
CRCRTH 693 - Action Research for Educational, Professional, and Personal Change, Fall 2007
课程网址: http://ocw.umb.edu/critical-and-creative-thinking/action-research...  
主讲教师: Professor Peter Taylor, Ph.D.
开课单位: 麻省大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
首先请注意,在本课程中,“教育变革”被广义地解释为包括组织变革,培训和个人发展,以及课程和学校变革。本课程建立在以下问题的基础上:“如果你有好的想法,你如何让别人采纳和/或改编它们?” (换句话说,你如何围绕你的想法建立一个“选区”)。这种关注可以引导您评估实际上的想法有多好(关于您制定的目标),以便您可以向其他人证明这一点。它还可以引导你与他人合作发展这个想法,使它成为他们的想法,从而成为他们投资的东西。无论如何,你所在选区的第一个人就是你自己!为了使您为此类工作做好准备,课堂活动引入了团队促进,参与式计划,反思性实践和系统评估的工具。我们在“行动研究的周期和本周”的框架内完成所有这些工作。
课程简介: First note that in this course "educational change" is construed broadly to include organizational change, training, and personal development, as well as curricular and school change. This course builds on the question: "If you have good ideas how do you get others to adopt and/or adapt them?" (in other words, how do you build a "constituency" around your idea). This concern can lead you into evaluating how good the ideas actually are (with respect to objectives you formulate) so you can demonstrate this to others. It can also lead you to work with others to develop the idea so it becomes theirs as well and thus something they're invested in. In any case, the first person in your constituency is yourself! To prepare you for such work, class activities introduce tools for group facilitation, participatory planning, reflective practice, and systematic evaluation. We do all this within a framework of "Cycles and epicycles of Action Research."
关 键 词: 变化; 教育; 解释
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2015-10-07:linxl
阅读次数: 29