
Introduction to Youth Participation and Youth Leadership
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ipsa09_vasiljevic_iypyl/  
主讲教师: Miloš Vasiljević
开课单位: 国际政治科学学生协会
开课时间: 2010-03-14
课程语种: 英语
小组将青年参与和青年领导作为高度联系的类别。 IAPSS努力激励参与者讨论青年参与,因为尽管统计数据显示青年参与不同参与模式的比例正在增加,但仍有来自世界不同地区的年轻人无法参与其中。青年领导作为青少年在自己或他人身上行使权力的一种做法,使年轻人有机会获得领导技能和经验;自律和时间管理。与政治学学生非常接近,这些主题是我们想要讨论的内容。
课程简介: Panel is about youth participation and youth leadership as highly connected categories. IAPSS strive to motivate participants to discuss about Youth participation because, despite statistics are showing that percentage of youth participation in different models of participation is increasing, there are still young people from different parts of world who are not enabled to be involved enough. Secondly mentioned in panel Youth leadership as a practice of teens exercising authority over themselves or others gives young people opportunities to gain leadership skills and experience; self-discipline and time management. Being very close to political science students these topics are something we would like to discuss.
关 键 词: 青年参与; 青年领导; 青少年
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-04-29:lxf
阅读次数: 76