Jane Fountain访谈

Interview with Jane Fountain
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc06_fountain_ijf/  
主讲教师: Davor Orlič, Jane Fountain
开课单位: 马萨诸塞大学
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
Fountain是“构建虚拟状态:信息技术与制度变迁”(Brookings Institution Press,2001)的作者,该书于2002年被Choice评为杰出学术头衔。该书已成为该领域的经典文本,已被翻译成中文,日文和葡萄牙文。 Fountain目前正在研究建立虚拟国家的后续数量,该数据将研究美国联邦政府中基于技术的跨机构创新及其对治理和民主进程的影响,以及信息时代的女性(由剑桥大学出版社出版) ,侧重于性别,信息技术和制度行为。 Fountain教授还指导科学,技术和社会倡议(STS)和信息时代的妇女项目(WITIA)。 STS计划是社会,自然和物理科学家之间协作,多学科研究伙伴关系的催化剂。 WITIA审查了妇女在计算机和信息技术相关领域的参与情况,并与其合作机构一起寻求增加信息和通信技术领域的女性专家和设计师人数。她曾在美国和国外的公共,私营和非营利部门的几个理事机构和咨询小组任职。她的高管教学和邀请讲座将她带到了几个发展中国家和转型期政府,包括沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯联合酋长国,尼加拉瓜,智利,爱沙尼亚,匈牙利和斯洛文尼亚以及日本,加拿大,新西兰等国家。 ,澳大利亚和欧盟国家。
课程简介: Fountain is the author of Building the Virtual State: Information Technology and Institutional Change (Brookings Institution Press, 2001) which was awarded an Outstanding Academic Title in 2002 by Choice. The book has become a classic text in the field and has been translated into and published in Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese. Fountain is currently researching the successor volume to Building the Virtual State, which will examine technology-based cross-agency innovations in the U.S. federal government and their implications for governance and democratic processes, and Women in the Information Age (to be published by Cambridge University Press), which focuses on gender, information technology, and institutional behavior. Professor Fountain also directs the Science, Technology, and Society Initiative (STS) and the Women in the Information Age Project (WITIA). The STS Initiative serves as a catalyst for collaborative, multi-disciplinary research partnerships among social, natural and physical scientists. WITIA examines the participation of women in computing and information-technology related fields and, with its partner institutions, seeks to increase the number of women experts and designers in information and communication technology fields. She has served on several governing bodies and advisory groups in the public, private and nonprofit sectors in the U.S. and abroad. Her executive teaching and invited lectures have taken her to several developing countries and governments in transition including those of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Nicaragua, Chile, Estonia, Hungary, and Slovenia as well as to countries including Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the countries of the European Union.
关 键 词: 虚拟状态; 信息技术; 制度变迁
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-13:yumf
阅读次数: 62