
Message in a Bottle or: How can the Semantic Web Community be more convincing?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc08_decker_mib/  
主讲教师: Stefan Decker
开课单位: 亚琛工业大学
开课时间: 2008-11-24
课程语种: 英语
大型强子对撞机,哈勃太空望远镜或Iter聚变反应堆等项目涌入了巨大的资源。相比之下,计算机科学资源比较苍白 - 与那些项目相比,欧洲语义网的努力很小。为什么会这样?语义网(或一般的计算机科学)是否承诺比那些物理项目更少的影响或相关性?在我的演讲中,我将争辩说物理学家在制定一个引人入胜的使命和信息方面要好得多。特别是语义网社区在提出针对公众的令人信服的使命方面并不是很好。我们需要并且我们可以做得更好。我将为这样的信息制定要求和起点,并研究语义网上正在进行的看似无关的研究领域和趋势,如语义传感器网络,社交语义桌面和语义发布,以及它们如何为更好的可传递任务做出贡献。
课程简介: Enormous resources are poured into projects like the Large Hadron Collider, the Hubble space telescope, or the Iter fusion reactor. Computer science resources pale in comparison – the European Semantic Web effort is tiny compared to those projects. Why is this the case? Does the Semantic Web (or computer science in general) promise less impact or relevance than those Physics projects? In my talk I will argue that the Physicists are much better in formulating an engaging mission and message. Especially the Semantic Web community has not been very good in coming up with a convincing mission directed to the public. We need to and we can do better. I will formulate requirements and a starting point for such a message and investigate ongoing seemingly unrelated research areas and trends on the Semantic Web like Semantic Sensor Networks, Social Semantic Desktop and Semantic Publishing and how they contributes to a better conveyable mission.
关 键 词: 语义网; 语义传感器网络; 社交语义桌面
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-04-30:lxf
阅读次数: 41