
Exploring Semantic Social Networks using Virtual Reality
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc08_halpin_essn/  
主讲教师: Harry Reeves Halpin
开课单位: 万维网联盟
开课时间: 2008-11-24
课程语种: 英语
我们介绍了Redgraph,这是第一个用于语义Web数据的通用虚拟现实可视化程序。 Redgraph能够处理大型数据集,正如我们在美国专利商标局的社交网络数据上所展示的那样。我们开发了与GraphXML兼容的虚拟现实术语的语义Web词汇表,以将图形可视化映射到语义Web本身。我们的可视化语义Web数据的方法利用沉浸式环境中的用户交互来绕过三维图形可视化布局中的许多难题,依赖于用户自己以交互方式将二维图的节点和链接挤出到第三维。当用户触摸虚拟现实环境中的节点时,他们检索根据数据的模式或本体格式化的数据。我们将Redgraph应用于由美国专利商标局的专利,发明人和机构构建的社交网络数据,以探索计算创新网络。使用该数据集,给出了比较挤出(3D)与无挤出(2D)的用户研究结果。该研究表明,受试者使用3D界面可以显着改善对数据集的细粒度问题的回答,但对于数据总体结构的广泛问题没有发现显着差异。此外,正如生物技术专利和研究人员的数据集所证明的那样,推论可用于改善可视化。
课程简介: We present Redgraph, the first generic virtual reality visualization program for Semantic Web data. Redgraph is capable of handling large data-sets, as we demonstrate on social network data from the U.S. Patent Trade Office. We develop a Semantic Web vocabulary of virtual reality terms compatible with GraphXML to map graph visualization into the Semantic Web itself. Our approach to visualizing Semantic Web data takes advantage of user-interaction in an immersive environment to bypass a number of difficult issues in 3-dimensional graph visualization layout by relying on users themselves to interactively extrude the nodes and links of a 2-dimensional graph into the third dimension. When users touch nodes in the virtual reality environment, they retrieve data formatted according to the data’s schema or ontology. We applied Redgraph to social network data constructed from patents, inventors, and institutions from the United States Patent and Trademark Office in order to explore networks of innovation in computing. Using this data-set, results of a user study comparing extrusion (3-D) vs. no-extrusion (2-D) are presented. The study showed the use of a 3-D interface by subjects led to significant improvement on answering of fine-grained questions about the data-set, but no significant difference was found for broad questions about the overall structure of the data. Furthermore, inference can be used to improve the visualization, as demonstrated with a data-set of biotechnology patents and researchers.
关 键 词: 虚拟现实; 可视化程序; 图形可视化
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-04-28:cwx
阅读次数: 63