
Privacy-Aware and Scalable Content Dissemination in Distributed Social Network
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc2011_kapanipathi_dissemination/  
主讲教师: Pavan Kapanipathi
开课单位: 爱尔兰国立大学
开课时间: 2011-11-25
课程语种: 英语
由于参与者数量的增加以及控制,隐私和用户数据所有权等政策问题,集中式社交网站会引发可扩展性问题。分布式社交网络旨在通过启用人们拥有数据并随时随地分享数据的架构来解决这些问题。但是,隐私和可扩展性方面的挑战仍有待解决。在这里,我们使用语义Web技术,解决了Google PubSubHubbub协议的隐私感知扩展,解决了分布式社交网络中的可扩展性和隐私问题。我们增强了PubSubHubbub的传统功能,以允许内容发布者使用基于语义和动态组的定义来决定他们想要与谁共享信息。我们还将此扩展的应用呈现给SMOB(我们的语义微博框架)。然而,我们的提议是应用程序无关的,并且可以被任何需要可伸缩和隐私感知的内容广播的系统采用。
课程简介: Centralized social networking websites raise scalability issues - due to the growing number of participants - and policy concerns - such as control, privacy and ownership of users' data. Distributed Social Networks aim to solve those by enabling architectures where people own their data and share it whenever and to whomever they wish. However, the privacy and scalability challenges are still to be tackled. Here, we present a privacy-aware extension to Google's PubSubHubbub protocol, using Semantic Web technologies, solving both the scalability and the privacy issues in Distributed Social Networks. We enhanced the traditional features of PubSubHubbub in order to allow content publishers to decide whom they want to share their information with, using semantic and dynamic group-based definition. We also present the application of this extension to SMOB (our Semantic Microblogging framework). Yet, our proposal is application agnostic, and can be adopted by any system requiring scalable and privacy-aware content broadcasting.
关 键 词: 社交网站; 语义Web技术; 共享信息
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-05:lxf
阅读次数: 20