
Functional Composition of Sensor Web APIs
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc2012_verborgh_web_apis/  
主讲教师: Ruben Verborgh
开课单位: 根特大学
开课时间: 2012-12-03
课程语种: 英语
Web apis正成为越来越流行的Web服务的替代品。最近,它们也被用于传感器网络的环境中。但是,使不同的Web apis(以及传感器)协作通常需要大量的手动配置。理想情况下,我们希望Web apis的行为类似于Linked Data,其中来自不同来源的数据可以以直接的方式组合。因此,在本文中,我们将展示如何通过轻量级格式restdesc语义描述的Web apis可以根据其功能自动组合。此外,合成过程不需要特定的工具,因为组合是由通用语义Web reasoners创建的,作为证明的一部分。然后,我们指出如何执行此证明中的组成。我们描述了我们的体系结构和实现,并验证基于证据的组合是Web规模的可行策略。我们的测量表明,当前的reasoners可以将超过200个Web apis的组合集成到第二个。这使得基于证据的组合成为当今Web apis的实用选择。
课程简介: Web apis are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the more heavy-weight Web services. Recently, they also have been used in the context of sensor networks. However, making different Web apis (and thus sensors) cooperate often requires a significant amount of manual configuration. Ideally, we want Web apis to behave like Linked Data, where data from different sources can be combined in a straightforward way. Therefore, in this paper, we show how Web apis, semantically described by the light-weight format restdesc, can be composed automatically based on their functionality. Moreover, the composition process does not require specific tools, as compositions are created by generic Semantic Web reasoners as part of a proof. We then indicate how the composition in this proof can be executed. We describe our architecture and implementation, and validate that proof-based composition is a feasible strategy on a Web scale. Our measurements indicate that current reasoners can integrate compositions of more than 200 Web apis in under one second. This makes proof-based composition a practical choice for today’s Web apis.
关 键 词: Web服务; 传感器网络; 语义Web
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-08:lxf
阅读次数: 37