
Large Graph-Mining: Power Tools and a Practitioner's Guide
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd09_faloutsos_miller_tsourakakis_lgm/  
主讲教师: Charalampos E. Tsourakakis, Christos Faloutsos, Gary L Miller
开课单位: 卡内基梅隆大学
开课时间: 2009-09-14
课程语种: 英语
许多真实世界数据集都是矩阵形式,因此矩阵代数,线性和多线性,为分析它们提供了重要的算法工具。本教程中感兴趣的主要数据集类型是图形。以图形为模型的重要数据集包括互联网,网络,社交网络(例如Facebook,LinkedIn),计算机网络,生物网络等等。我们将讨论如何将图表表示为矩阵(邻接矩阵,拉普拉斯算子)和这些陈述的重要特性。然后,我们将展示如何在几个重要问题中使用这些属性,包括通过随机游走(Pagerank)的节点重要性,社区检测(METIS,Cheeger不等式),图同构和图相似性。将在图形挖掘问题的背景下讨论重要的降维技术(SVD和随机投影)。此外,我们还提供了关于流行阈值,节点接近度和中心件子图的工作的调查。还将介绍用于分析时间演变图的最新图形挖掘工具。在整个教程中,将展示静态和时间演变,加权和未加权的真实世界图表中的模式。目标受众是希望了解最重要的矩阵代数工具的数据挖掘专业人员,他们在大图挖掘中的应用及其背后的理论。 。先修课程:计算机科学背景(B.Sc或同等学历);熟悉本科线性代数。将介绍Demos。
课程简介: Numerous real-world datasets are in matrix form, thus matrix algebra, linear and multilinear, provides important algorithmic tools for analyzing them. The main type of datasets of interest in this tutorial are graphs. Important datasets modeled as graphs include the Internet, the Web, social networks (e,g Facebook, LinkedIn), computer networks, biological networks and many more. We will discuss how we represent a graph as a matrix (adjacency matrix, Laplacian) and the important properties of those representations. We will then show how these properties are used in several important problems, including node importance via random walks (Pagerank), community detection (METIS, Cheeger inequality), graph isomorphism and graph similarity. Important dimensionality reduction techniques (SVD and random projections) will be discussed in the context of graph mining problems. Furthermore, we provide a survey of the work on the epidemic threshold, node proximity and center-piece subgraphs. State-of-art graph mining tools for analyzing time evolving graphs will also be presented. Throughout the tutorial, patterns in static and time evolving, weighted and unweighted real-world graphs will be presented. The target audience are data mining professionals who wish to know the most important matrix algebra tools, their applications in large graph mining and the theory behind them. Prerequisites: Computer science background (B.Sc or equivalent); familiarity with undergraduate linear algebra. Demos will be presented.
关 键 词: 矩阵代数; 随机游走; 大图挖掘
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-10:lxf
阅读次数: 50