主题动力学:主题流中突发事件的替代模型Topic Dynamics: An Alternative Model of Bursts in Streams of Topics |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/kdd2010_he_tda/ |
主讲教师: | Dan He |
开课单位: | 加利福尼亚大学 |
开课时间: | 2010-10-01 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 一段时间以来,人们越来越关注监视事件流中主题发生的问题,例如新闻文章流。这导致了这些流中不同的爆发模型,即事件发生率升高的时期。今天有几种突发定义和检测算法,它们的差异可以在主题流中产生非常不同的结果。这些定义也存在一个基本问题:它们根据到达率定义突发。这种方法是有限的;其他流维度可能很重要。我们从简单的物理学角度重新考虑爆发的想法。我们不是关注到达速率,而是利用物理质量和速度的动力学概念重建爆发作为动态现象,并从中获取动量,加速度和力。我们将结果称为主题动态,允许分层的,表达的爆发模型作为增加动量的间隔。作为示例应用程序,我们使用MeSH(医学主题标题)主题层次结构,为生物医学出版物的大型PubMed / MEDLINE数据库提供主题动态模型。我们证明我们的模型能够准确有效地检测MeSH术语的爆发。 |
课程简介: | For some time there has been increasing interest in the problem of monitoring the occurrence of topics in a stream of events, such as a stream of news articles. This has led to dierent models of bursts in these streams, i.e., periods of elevated occurrence of events. Today there are several burst definitions and detection algorithms, and their dierences can produce very dierent results in topic streams. These definitions also share a fundamental problem: they define bursts in terms of an arrival rate. This approach is limiting; other stream dimensions can matter. We reconsider the idea of bursts from the standpoint of a simple kind of physics. Instead of focusing on arrival rates, we reconstruct bursts as a dynamic phenomenon, using kinetics concepts from physics -- mass and velocity -- and derive momentum, acceleration, and force from these. We refer to the result as topic dynamics, permitting a hierarchical, expressive model of bursts as intervals of increasing momentum. As a sample application, we present a topic dynamics model for the large PubMed/MEDLINE database of biomedical publications, using the MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) topic hierarchy. We show our model is able to detect bursts for MeSH terms accurately as well as efficiently. |
关 键 词: | 监视事件流; 重建爆发; MeSH术语 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
最后编审: | 2019-05-11:lxf |
阅读次数: | 91 |