
The Next Generation of Transportation Systems, Greenhouse Emissions, and Data Mining
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2010_kargupta_panel/  
主讲教师: Hillol Kargupta
开课单位: 马里兰大学
开课时间: 2010-10-01
课程语种: 英语
1.下一代智能交通系统面临的主要信息处理挑战是什么? 2.使运输“绿色”以及数据挖掘如何提供帮助有哪些挑战? 3.为什么预测性车辆健康监测很重要,数据采集者为什么要关心? 4.数据挖掘者可以从中受益的绿色IT新兴商业模式是什么? 5.数据挖掘者如何帮助汽车制造商建造更好,更清洁的车辆? 6.数据挖掘者如何帮助维护和监控市场后的车辆? 7.该技术的现状如何,该市场的投资回报率是多少? 8.未来五年的预测是什么?数据矿工可以做些什么来帮助? 9.大规模采用基于数据挖掘的清洁车辆和运输系统决策支持工具面临的挑战是什么? 10.决策者和资助组织如何提供帮助?
课程简介: 1. What are the key information processing challenges in the next generation of intelligent transportation systems? 2. What are the challenges in making transportation “greenâ€_-er and how data mining can help? 3. Why predictive vehicle health monitoring is important and why should data miners care? 4. What are the emerging business models for Green IT that data miners can benefit from? 5. How can data miners help vehicle manufacturers in building better and cleaner vehicles? 6. How can data miners help maintaining and monitoring vehicles after market? 7. What is the current status of the technology and what are the achievable return of investments for this market? 8. What are the projections for the next five years and what can data miners do to help? 9. What are the challenges against large-scale adoption of data mining-based decision support tools for clean vehicles and transportation systems? 10. How can policy makers and funding organizations help?
关 键 词: 智能交通系统; 运输系统决策; 数据挖掘
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-11:lxf
阅读次数: 39