
Mining Advisor-Advisee Relationships from Research Publication Networks
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2010_wang_maarrpn/  
主讲教师: Chi Wang
开课单位: 伊利诺伊大学
开课时间: 2010-10-01
课程语种: 英语
信息网络包含关于人或实体之间关系的丰富知识。不幸的是,这种知识通常隐藏在不明确分类不同种类关系的网络中。例如,在研究出版物网络中,顾问建议研究人员之间的关系隐藏在共同作者网络中。发现这些关系可以使许多有趣的应用受益,例如专家发现和研究社区分析。在本文中,我们以计算机科学书目网络为例,分析作者的角色并发现可能的顾问建议关系。特别地,我们提出了时间约束的概率因子图模型(TPFG),其将研究出版物网络作为输入并使用联合可能性目标函数对顾问建议关系挖掘问题进行建模。我们进一步设计了一种有效的学习算法来优化目标函数。基于此,我们的模型为每位作者建议和排列可能的顾问。实验结果表明,所提出的方法可以有效地推断顾问建议关系,并达到最先进的精度(80 90%)。我们还将发现的顾问建议关系应用于博乐搜索,特定的专家发现任务和实证研究表明,搜索性能可以得到有效改善(NDCG @ 5为4.09 \%)。
课程简介: Information network contains abundant knowledge about relationships among people or entities. Unfortunately, such kind of knowledge is often hidden in a network where different kinds of relationships are not explicitly categorized. For example, in a research publication network, the advisor-advisee relationships among researchers are hidden in the coauthor network. Discovery of those relationships can benefit many interesting applications such as expert finding and research community analysis. In this paper, we take a computer science bibliographic network as an example, to analyze the roles of authors and to discover the likely advisor-advisee relationships. In particular, we propose a time-constrained probabilistic factor graph model (TPFG), which takes a research publication network as input and models the advisor-advisee relationship mining problem using a jointly likelihood objective function. We further design an efficient learning algorithm to optimize the objective function. Based on that our model suggests and ranks probable advisors for every author. Experimental results show that the proposed approach infer advisor-advisee relationships efficiently and achieves a state-of-the-art accuracy (80-90\%). We also apply the discovered advisor-advisee relationships to bole search, a specific expert finding task and empirical study shows that the search performance can be effectively improved (+4.09\% by NDCG@5).
关 键 词: 信息网络; 概率因子图; 顾问建议
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-13:yumf
阅读次数: 93