
LHC and the neutrino paradigm
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_senjanovic_neutrino/  
主讲教师: Goran Senjanović
开课单位: 国际理论物理中心
开课时间: 2012-04-10
课程语种: 英语
中微子是所有基本粒子中最冷漠的,在塑造我们对自然界中物理力的理解方面发挥了重要作用。为了保持核衰变的能量守恒,他们最初假设需要超过二十五年才能被发现。正如年轻的意大利天才Ettore Majorana所建议的那样,七十多年前神秘地消失了,中微子可能是他们自己的反粒子中的独特粒子。这导致了一个引人注目的现象:电子“无中生有”。我展示了大型强子对撞机如何通过在基本粒子相互作用中恢复左右对称来在这个令人兴奋的过程中发挥关键作用。
课程简介: Neutrinos, the most aloof of all elementary particles, have played a major role in shaping our understanding of physical forces in nature. Postulated originally in order to maintain energy conservation in nuclear decays, they needed more than twenty five years in order to be discovered. As suggested by the young Italian genius Ettore Majorana who disappeared mysteriously some more than seventy years ago, neutrinos may be unique particles in being their own antiparticles. This leads to a spectacular phenomenon: the creation of electrons 'out of nothing'. I show how the Large Hadron Collider can play a key role in this exciting process through the of restoration of Left-Right symmetry in elementary particle interactions.
关 键 词: 中微子; 核衰变; 反粒子
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-12:lxf
阅读次数: 72