
Immunization Hesitancy: A Rising Tide that Challenges the Public Health
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mar09_marcuse_ihrtcph/  
主讲教师: Edgar K. Marcuse
开课单位: 华盛顿大学
开课时间: 2009-12-16
课程语种: 法语
对传统儿童免疫接种的社会支持正在发生变化。父母越来越多地与儿科医生重新协商推荐的免疫接种时间表。 Marcuse也是西雅图儿童医院的副医疗主任,他讨论了这种犹豫不决以及疾病预防的潜在后果。在这次录像讲座中,他还讨论了平衡父母权利与保护公共健康的问题。本讲座是Howard A. Schneiderman纪念生物伦理讲座系列的一部分,该系列于1990年开始,由第三位生物科学学院院长施奈德曼捐赠。该系列将知名专家带到UCI,讨论生物学和医学进步的社会和伦理意义。
课程简介: Societal support for traditional childhood immunization is changing. Increasingly, parents are renegotiating recommended immunization schedules with pediatricians. Marcuse, also associate medical director at Seattle Children's Hospital, discusses this hesitancy and the potential consequences for disease prevention. In this videotaped lecture, he also addresses balancing parental rights with protecting public health. This lecture was part of the Howard A. Schneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Series, which began in 1990 with an endowment from Schneiderman, the third biological sciences school dean. The series brings renowned experts to UCI to speak about the social and ethical implications of advances in biology and medicine.
关 键 词: 免疫接种; 疾病预防; 公共健康
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-15:lxf
阅读次数: 60