

Linear Programming Boosting for Classification of Musical Genre
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mbc07_diethe_lpb/  
主讲教师: Tom Diethe
开课单位: 伦敦大学学院
开课时间: 2007-12-29
课程语种: 英语
来自原始音频文件的音乐类型的分类是音乐研究的相当好的研究领域,因此为测试新算法提供了良好的起点。音乐信息检索评估交换(MIREX)是一系列音乐机器学习应用的年度竞赛。 MIREX 2005包括一个类型分类任务,其获胜者[1]是多类增强算法AdaBoost.MH [2]的应用。由于解决方案中较高程度的稀疏性,相信线性规划增强(LPBoost)是一种更适合此应用的算法[3]。本研究旨在通过使用类似的特征集和多类增强算法LPBoost.MC来改进[1]结果。  \\参考文献:[1] J. Bergstra,N。Casagrande,D。Erhan,D。Eck和K. Bal'azs。用于音乐分类的聚合功能和ADABOOST。机器学习,65(2-3):473-484,2006。[2] R.E。 Schapire和Y. Singer。使用置信度预测改进了增强算法。机器学习,37:297-336,1999。[3] Ayhan Demiriz,Kristin P. Bennett和John Shawe-Taylor。通过列生成提升线性编程。机器学习,46(1-3):225-254,2002。
课程简介: Classification of musical genre from raw audio files is a fairly well researched area of music research, and as such provides a good starting point for testing a new algorithm. The Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) is a yearly competition in a wide range of machine learning applications in music. MIREX 2005 included a genre classification task, the winner of which [1] was an application of the multiclass boosting algorithm AdaBoost.MH [2]. It is believed that Linear Programming Boosting (LPBoost) is a more appropriate algorithm for this application due to the higher degree of sparsity in the solutions [3]. The present study aims to improve on the [1] result by using a similar feature set and the multiclass boosting algorithm LPBoost.MC. \\ References: [1] J. Bergstra, N. Casagrande, D. Erhan, D. Eck, and K. Bal´azs. Aggregate features and ADABOOST for music classification. Machine Learning, 65 (2-3):473–484, 2006. [2] R.E. Schapire and Y. Singer. Improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions. Machine Learning, 37:297–336, 1999. [3] Ayhan Demiriz, Kristin P. Bennett, and John Shawe-Taylor. Linear programming boosting via column generation. Machine Learning, 46(1–3):225–254, 2002.
关 键 词: 原始音频文件; 音乐信息检索评估交换; 线性规划增强
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-16:cjy
阅读次数: 65