
English for Professional and Academic Communication: Curso de Adaptación
课程网址: http://ocw.upm.es/filologia-inglesa/english-for-professional-and-...  
主讲教师: Joaquín Santiago López; Trinidad Fernández Pérez
开课单位: 马德里理工大学
开课时间: 2011-01-01
课程语种: 西班牙语
‘专业和学术交流的英语’是所有芬欧汇川学校和学院在实施博洛尼亚计划时教授的必修科目的名称。在第五学期开设的建筑工程学位课程之前,该课程在过去两年中已被纳入Curso de Adaptació n课程大纲。 本课程旨在帮助已经获得Arquitectura T&eacute学位的学生; cnica(数量测量)提高他们在全球大多数公司所要求的学术和专业环境中使用英语的口头和书面技能。更具体地说,课程内容涵盖所有四项主要技能,即听力,阅读,写作和口语,重点放在建筑施工核心主题上。
课程简介: ‘English for Professional and Academic Communication’ is the name of the obligatory subject to be taught in all UPM Schools and Faculties with the implementation of the Bologna Plan. Prior to its introduction in the Building Engineering Degree as scheduled in the 5th semester of the studies, the subject has been included in the Curso de Adaptación syllabus over the last two years. This course has been designed to help students who have already obtained their Degree in Arquitectura Técnica (Quantity Surveying) improve their oral and written skills to use English in academic and professional environments as demanded by most companies worldwide. More particularly, course contents cover all four main skills, namely, listening, reading, writing and speaking with an emphasis placed on building construction core topics.
关 键 词: 专门用途英语口语和写作; 演讲; 英语语言文学专业; 学术交流; 建筑工程
课程来源: 马德里理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-25:yumf
阅读次数: 67