情景1:市政决策 - 公共意志和代议制民主

Scenario 1: Municipal Decision Making - The Public Will and Representative Democracy
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit11969s05_lukenmeyers_lec02/  
主讲教师: James S. Fishkin, Carolyn J. Lukenmeyers
开课单位: 斯坦福大学
开课时间: 2012-04-24
课程语种: 英语
当地政府决定在做出关键的长期发展决策之前更直接地“咨询”公民(关于大量公共资金的投资)。争议的焦点在于填充映射湿地的适当性,以便建立连接城市和附近州际公路的新高速公路。像往常一样,在反对填补湿地的环保主义者和发展利益集团之间划出了战线,他们说道路是振兴城市经济衰退的关键。当选官员正在决定将哪些人纳入协商以及如何纳入协商。一个派系希望市长选择一个蓝带咨询委员会来制定有关湿地保护的建议城市政策和优先事项(超越联邦和州法律)。一旦城市选择的专家为道路准备了详细的计划,另一个人想要举行一系列公开听证会。第三个提议不具有约束力的公民投票。第四个想要建立一个共识建立过程,涉及所有相关的利益相关者群体(并让他们提名自己的代表)。这种共识建立过程将涉及相当多的利益相关者,为该网站制定详细的计划以及当地的湿地保护政策。 重点是是否以及如何在地方一级补充代议制民主的工作。更“直接”的民主形式“更好吗?”只有在正式的政府行动之前进行某种形式的公开审议之后,是否应该在社区范围内作出重大决定?如果是这样,应如何评估补充当选和任命官员工作的备选方案?如何进行市政授权的共识建立过程,特别是在参与者的选择方面?如果特设协商程序的产品对选举产生的官员和任命的官员没有约束力,那么潜在参与者“来到谈判桌上”的动机是什么?
课程简介: A local government decides that it wants to "consult" citizens more directly before a critical long-term development decision is made (regarding the investment of a substantial amount of public money). The dispute centers on the appropriateness of filling mapped wetlands so that a new highway spur connecting the city to the nearby interstate can be built. As usual the battle lines have been drawn between environmentalists who oppose filling the wetlands and development interests who say that the roadway is the key to revitalizing the declining city economy. Elected officials are deciding who to include in the consultation and how to include them. One faction wants the mayor to pick a blue ribbon advisory committee to formulate suggested city policies and priorities governing wetland protection (above and beyond federal and state laws). Another wants to run a set of public hearings once the experts selected by the city have prepared a detailed plan for the roadway. A third proposes a non-binding referendum. A fourth wants a consensus building process that would involve all relevant stakeholder groups (and let them nominate their own representatives). This consensus building process would involve a fairly large group of stakeholders in generating detailed plans for the site as well as local wetland protection polices. The focus is on whether and how to supplement the work of representative democracy at the local level. Are more “direct” forms of democracy “better?” Should major community-wide decisions be made only after some form of public deliberation precedes formal governmental action? If so, how should the options for supplementing the work of elected and appointed officials be evaluated? How might a municipally-authorized consensus building process be run, particularly with regard to the selection of participants? If the product of an ad hoc consultative process is not binding on elected and appointed officials, what is the incentive for potential participants to “come to the table?”
关 键 词: 填充映射湿地; 利益相关者群体; 湿地保护政策; 代议制民主
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-19:cjy
阅读次数: 37