第1讲:十个单位的力量 - 尺寸 - 测量 - 不确定性 - 尺寸分析 - 尺度参数

Lecture 1: Powers of Ten - Units - Dimensions - Measurements - Uncertainties - Dimensional Analysis - Scaling Arguments
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit801f99_lewin_lec01/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2008-10-10
课程语种: 英语
** 1。基本单位:**基本单位是长度,时间和质量。** 2。十大权力:**“十大权力”(©Charles& Ray Eames和Pyramid Media)电影,由于版权原因,已从视频中删除了40个数量级。** 3。尺寸:**尺寸用括号表示;给出了一些例子。** 4。进行测量的艺术:**在不知道其不确定性的情况下,测量是毫无意义的。测量铝杆的长度和学生的长度都是直接站立和水平躺下测量,以测试学生躺下时的长度是否大于他站直时的长度。在测量的不确定性范围内,对于学生来说,站立和躺卧之间的差异很大(不是铝杆)。** 5。 Galileo Galilei的推理是否正确?**为什么哺乳动物和它们一样大,而且不是更大?这个论点表明,如果它们变得太重,那么骨头就会破碎。伽利略·伽利莱(Galileo Galilei)认为,我们骨骼的物质属性对物体的大小有着自然的限制。 Lewin教授通过提出伽利略的缩放论证来对此进行测试,并将其与实际测量值进行比较。** 6。尺寸分析:**方程两边的尺寸必须相同;这在物理学上是不容谈判的。利用这个想法,Lewin教授认为物体从某个高度落下的时间与其质量无关,并且与物体落下的高度的平方根成正比。他通过从3.000米和1.500米处放下一个3毫米的不确定性确认了这个结论。然后他说明了为什么他的“预言”是一个骗子。
课程简介: **1. Fundamental Units:** The fundamental units are length, time and mass. **2. Powers of Ten:** "The Powers of Ten" (© Charles & Ray Eames and Pyramid Media) movie, covering 40 orders of magnitude, has been removed from the video for reasons of copyright. **3. Dimensions:** Dimensions are denoted with brackets; some examples are given. **4. The Art of Making Measurements:** A measurement is meaningless without knowledge of its uncertainty. The lengths of an aluminum rod and the length of a student are both measured standing straight up and lying down horizontally to test whether the student's length is larger when he is lying down than when he is standing straight up. Within the uncertainty of the measurements, the difference between standing and lying is substantial for the student (NOT for the aluminum rod). **5. Was Galileo Galilei's Reasoning Correct?** Why are mammals as large as they are, and not much larger? The argument suggests that if they become too heavy, the bones will shatter. Galileo Galilei suggested that material properties of our bones impose a natural limit on the size of things. Professor Lewin brings this to a test by presenting Galilei's scaling arguments, and he compares them with actual measurements. **6. Dimensional Analysis:** The dimensions of both sides of the equation must be the same; this is non-negotiable in physics. Using this idea, Professor Lewin reasons that the time for an object to fall from a certain height is independent of its mass and proportional to the square root of the height from which it is dropped. He confirms this conclusion by dropping an apple from 3.000 m and 1.500 m with an uncertainty in each of 3 mm. He then shows why his "prediction" was a cheat.
关 键 词: 测量; 基本单位; 尺寸分析
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-22:lxf
阅读次数: 75