第5讲:E = -grad V,更多关于等势面、导体、静电屏蔽(法拉第笼)

Lecture 5: E = -grad V, More on Equipotential Surfaces, Conductors, Electrostatic Shielding (Faraday Cage)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit802s02_lewin_lec05/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2008-10-10
课程语种: 英语
//“所以今天没有新的概念,没有新的想法,你可以释放一点点,我想和你讨论电势和电场之间的关系。//我想你在太空中有一个电场,那个我在口袋里拿了一个电荷Q,我从A位置开始走路,然后我四处走动,然后我返回A.////因为这些力是保守的力量,如果电场是静电场,就没有了移动电荷,但这变得更加困难,那么力量就是保守的力量,所以当我四处走动并回到A点时我所做的工作必须为零。当你看到第三个等式时你很清楚点A和点A之间的差异显然是零。我从点A开始,我在点A结束,这是从A点回到E点DL点A的积分,然后必须为零。 //我们通常用圆圈表示这样一个整数,这意味着你最终会在你开始的地方结束现在,这不是一个封闭的表面,正如我们在方程式一中那样...“//
课程简介: //"So today no new concepts, no new ideas, you can release a little bit and I want to discuss with you the connection between electric potential and electric fields.// //Imagine you have an electric field here in space and that I take a charge Q in my pocket, I start at position A and I walk around and I return at that point A.// //Since these forces are conservative forces, if the electric field is a static electric field, there are no moving charges, but that becomes more difficult, then the forces are conservative forces and so the work that I do when I march around and coming back at point A must be zero. It's clear when you uh look at the equation number three that the potential difference between point A and point A is obviously zero. I g- start at point A and I end at point A and that is the integral in going from A back to point A of E dot DL and that then has to be zero.// //And we normally indicate such an integral with a circle which means you end up where you started. This is a line now this is not a closed surface as we had in equation one..."//
关 键 词: 电势; 电场; 静电场
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:lxf
阅读次数: 194