
The Art of Science Television
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_apsell_ast/  
主讲教师: Paula S. Apsell
开课单位: PBS基金会
开课时间: 2013-04-08
课程语种: 英语
NOVA的高级执行制片人Paula Apsell对悲惨的科学新闻状态感到遗憾,并讨论了NOVA如何比以往更加重要。在公众对科学的理解日益减少的世界里,她为NOVA的深度和实质传统提出了强有力的理由,以深思熟虑和视觉复杂的方式解决了科学中最紧迫的问题.Apsell将最近的一些NOVA项目的片段带到了阐述了电视最负盛名的科学纪录片系列在广阔的电视和网络内容领域中的作用。她提供了有关主题选择,处理和生产标准的编辑过程的见解。在一个关注度不断下降的世界中,Apsell考虑了提供有意义的科学内容,保持其有趣,同时不让观众落后的挑战。
课程简介: Paula Apsell, NOVA's senior executive producer laments the sad state of science journalism and discusses how NOVA is more essential than ever. In a world where the public understanding of science is diminishing, she makes a strong case for NOVA's tradition of depth and substance, tackling the most pressing issues in science, in a thoughtful and visually complex manner. Apsell brings clips from some recent NOVA programs to illustrate the role of television's most prestigious science documentary series in the vast television and web content landscape. She provides insights into the editorial processes of topic selection, treatment, and production standards. In a world of decreasing attention spans, Apsell considers the challenges of providing meaningful science content, keeping it interesting, while not leaving the audience behind.
关 键 词: 科学新闻; 视觉复杂; 科学纪录片
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-20:cwx
阅读次数: 60