
Why Newspapers Matter
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_armstrong_boczkowski_boczkowski...  
主讲教师: Jerome Armstrong, Pablo J. Boczkowski, Dante Chinni, David Thorburn
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-02-21
课程语种: 英语
在这第三个也是最后一个小组中,主持人David Thorburn热情地重新关注报纸在社会中扮演的独特角色,并对网络新闻的优点表示更多的怀疑。报纸每天组织世界,“创造一个在某种意义上比宇宙的原子论宇宙更加根本统一和连贯的宇宙”,并作为“独立的政治观察者,能够抵制和蔑视政府的要求” “对托尔本来说,失去这个机构会对社会造成严重打击。新兴数字形式的新闻采访和传播能否提供传统报纸的“政治和道德独立性”?杰罗姆阿姆斯特朗对Thorburn提出异议。作为一个早期的基层互联网组织者,他“看到主流媒体缺乏进步的声音。”报纸没有报道他感兴趣的世界,所以他“转向博客圈。”这是大众的新机制媒体:个人通过互联网向更大的群体传递信息或信息。直接谈到报纸的持续相关性,阿姆斯特朗指出,博客为读者提供了与志同道合的人联系的机会,并想知道在线社区是否“提供报纸没有提供的东西。”Pablo Boczkowski从他的研究中得到了很难的数据阿根廷印刷和数字新闻报道称,“报纸的重要性因为它们越来越多地将硬新闻转变为商品。他们正在失去制定议程的权力。“自2001年以来,以及互联网作为新闻来源的出现,Boczkowski详细介绍了阿根廷顶级报纸的故事同质化程度。当编辑监控网上比赛,特别是突发新闻时,有关政治,经济和外交事务的相同故事出现在第二天的报纸上。随着网络不断提供娱乐,灾难和体育新闻,通过点击流量证明了它们的受欢迎程度,报纸越来越追随他们的领先地位。现在网络和平面媒体之间存在“密集的共享内容网络”,最终可能“降低报纸对多元化公共领域做出贡献的能力。”报纸读者的最佳案例情节确实很严峻,Dante Chinni表示,并且年复一年地稳步下降1%。随着越来越多的人在线阅读新闻,分类广告的收入必然会大幅增长。但是,虽然Chinni无法确定一个可行的经济模式来确保报纸的存在,但他为报纸的持续生存提供了有力的证据:在地方和国家层面,“他们是拥有最多机构,最多记者的地方在街上。他们拥有专业知识,并且知道他们在谈论什么。“博客不能打破大型故事,而是取消已经存在的新闻。记者有独特的访问权,并且“尽管有偏见的抱怨,可爱的主流记者试图让故事直截了当。”而且由于新闻环境变得如此复杂,我们比以往任何时候都需要“有人理解它”。
课程简介: In this third and final panel, moderator David Thorburn makes an impassioned bid to refocus attention on the unique role newspapers play in society, and to cast a more skeptical eye on the merits of cyberjournalism. Newspapers organize the world on a daily basis, “create a universe that is in some sense more fundamentally unified and coherent than the atomistic universe” of the Web, and serve as “independent political observers that can stand up against and defy the demands of government.” To Thorburn, the loss of this institution would deal a serious blow to society. Can emerging digital forms of news-gathering and communications hope to offer “the kind of political and moral independence” of traditional newspapers? Jerome Armstrong takes issue with Thorburn. As an early grassroots internet organizer, he “saw a lack of progressive voices in the mainstream media outlets.” Newspapers did not cover the world he was interested in, so he “turned to the blogosphere.” This is a new mechanism for the mass media: individuals pass on information or a message via the internet to much larger groups. Speaking directly to the continued relevancy of newspapers, Armstrong notes that blogs offer readers a chance to connect with like-minded folks, and wonders whether the communities available online are “offering something newspapers haven’t offered.” Pablo Boczkowski has hard data from his studies of Argentine print and digital journalism to suggest that “newspapers matter less because they have increasingly turned hard news into a commodity. They are losing their power to set the agenda.” Since 2001, and the advent of the internet as a news source, Boczkowski has detailed the increased homogeneity of stories in Argentina’s top newspapers. As editors monitor the competition online, especially breaking news, the same stories about politics, economics and foreign affairs show up in the pages of the following day’s newspapers. And as websites that feed a steady stream of entertainment, disaster and sports news demonstrate their popularity by click traffic, newspapers increasingly follow their lead. There’s now a “dense web of shared content” among online and print media, which may ultimately “decrease newspapers’ ability to contribute to a diverse public sphere.” The best-case scenario for newspaper readership is grim indeed, says Dante Chinni, a slow and steady 1% decline year after year. And with more people reading news online, the income from classified ads must grow enormously-- an unlikely prospect. But while Chinni can’t identify a viable economic model to ensure the existence of newspapers, he makes a strong case for newspapers’ continued survival: at the local and national level, “they’re the place with the most bodies, the most reporters on the street. They’ve got expertise and know what they’re talking about.” Blogs can’t break large stories, but feed off news that’s already out there. Journalists have unique access, and “in spite of bias grumblings, lovable mainstream journalists try to get the story straight.” And because the news environment has become so complicated, we need “somebody to make sense of it,” more than ever.
关 键 词: 报纸; 网络新闻; 道德独立性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-20:cwx
阅读次数: 85