
The Mysterious Field of Engineering Systems
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_augustine_mfe/  
主讲教师: Norman Augustine
开课单位: 洛克希德马丁公司
开课时间: 2013-03-04
课程语种: 英语
这个国家备受尊敬的技术领导者之一在工程系统(或系统工程)的滑动主题上传授轶事和智慧。诺姆奥古斯丁根本无法理解这个学科:“没有人同意它是什么,或者它做了什么。”在洛克希德·马丁等行业工作多年后,奥古斯丁提出了“规范规则”,至少可以将“系统”定义为“具有两个或多个相互作用的元素”,将“工程”定义为“创建执行有用功能的手段。”但这些定义并不能让您在现实世界中走得太远.Augustine显示燃料控制系统,一些工程师可能会将其视为推进系统的一部分。反过来,航空工程师可能会将整个飞机视为一个系统,运输工程师将飞机视为仅包含机场,高速公路和航道的系统中的组件。奥古斯丁继续上升,直到“我们的系统开始作为燃料控制器...似乎将整个宇宙作为一个系统。”就像俄罗斯的俄罗斯套娃一样,系统总是嵌入在更大的系统中。即使您尝试使用二进制文件来简化系统,只需使用二进制文件来简化系统,但在开发过程中,事情可能会很快变得复杂。系统中的五个元素可以存在于超过一百万个可能的状态中。奥古斯丁说:“一颗典型的地球卫星有近百万个部件; 747超过500万。这对你的飞行感觉如何?“区分重要的相互作用和对系统的重要外部影响是设计和解决问题的核心。如今,工程师必须将政治,公共政策和经济学作为其系统的一部分。 “诀窍在于限制系统的范围,因此它不会太大而无法进行分析,也不会太小而无法代表。”这样做是“为什么系统工程师应该得到这么多的报酬。”奥古斯丁总结着他的“肮脏的打击” “系统工程陷阱,导致了令人尴尬的破产,巨大的失败和真正的悲剧。其中值得注意的是:“无处不在的界面”(或其缺失)。他描述了两个飞行控制组如何使用不同的公制单位,并意外地将一个火星束缚的航天器发送到深空。存在“单点故障”,例如由于设计不良的支架导致的足球场大小卫星盘的倒塌。有软件,“像熵一样,总是增加:”由于10万行代码中缺少连字符,一个水手航天器向错误的方向前进。大多数系统的问题最终是它们“包含人类因素......而人类有时会做出非理性的事情”。
课程简介: One of the nation’s revered technology leaders dispenses anecdotes and wisdom on the slippery subject of engineering systems (or systems engineering). Norm Augustine just can’t get a handle on the discipline: “No one agrees on what it is, or what it does.” After years in industries like Lockheed Martin, Augustine has come up with “Norm’s Rules,” and can at least define ‘system’ as “having two or more elements that interact,” and ‘engineering’ as “creating the means for performing useful functions.” But these definitions don’t get you too far in the real world. Augustine shows a fuel control system, which some engineers might view as part of a propulsion system. In turn, aeronautical engineers might think of the entire airplane as a system, and transport engineers view aircraft as merely components in systems incorporating airports, highways, shipping lanes. Augustine continues up the ladder until “our system that started as a fuel controller…seems to have the whole universe as a system.” Like Russian Matryoshka dolls, systems can always be embedded within larger systems. Even if you try to simplify a system in terms of just a few objects with a binary, on-off interaction, things can get complex very quickly. Five elements in a system can exist in more than a million possible states. Says Augustine, “A typical earth satellite has nearly one million parts; a 747 over 5 million. How does that make you feel about flying?” Distinguishing the significant interactions and the important external influences on a system are central to designing and problem solving. And these days, engineers must include politics, public policy and economics as part of their systems. “The trick is to bound the scope of the system so it’s not too large to be analyzed and not too small to be representative.” Doing this right is “why systems engineers should be paid so much.” Augustine concludes with his “Dirty Dozen” systems engineering traps, which have led to embarrassing bust-ups, monumental failures, and real tragedies. Notable among these: “the ubiquitous interface,” (or absence thereof). He describes how two flight control groups used different metric units and accidentally sent a Mars-bound spacecraft whizzing off into deep space. There’s the “single-point failure,” exemplified by the collapse of a football field-sized satellite dish due to a poorly designed bracket. There’s software, “which like entropy, always increases:” a Mariner spacecraft headed in the wrong direction due to a missing hyphen in 100 thousand lines of code. The problem with most systems ultimately is that they “contain human elements … and humans sometimes do irrational things.”
关 键 词: 工程系统; 规范规则; 燃料控制系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-20:cwx
阅读次数: 55