

Russell Banks: A Reading
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_banks_reading/  
主讲教师: Russell Banks
开课时间: 2013-07-24
课程语种: 英语
多产小说作家拉塞尔·班克斯(Russell Banks)的粉丝们会听到他的声音将他的写作带入生活中。不熟悉银行的观众生动但鲜明的描述将享受这一新发现。他的短篇小说“摩尔人”讲述了一个中年男人和他的“初恋”之间不太可能的相遇,现在这位80岁的女人。第二个和更长的阅读包括The Darling的第一章,一个小说班克斯五年前开始做笔记,并在三年前开始写作。银行评论典型的轻描淡写,“小说家是对延迟奖励有极大喜爱的人。”从这个小样本中收集到的小说情节令人惊讶地将一位在新英格兰经营有机农场的妇女与利比里亚的血腥和无尽的民间联系在一起。战争。
课程简介: Fans of prolific fiction writer Russell Banks will find great comfort hearing his voice bring his writing to life. Viewers unfamiliar with Banks vivid yet stark descriptions will enjoy this new discovery. His short story, The Moor, deals with an unlikely encounter between a middle-aged man and his “first love,” now an 80-year-old woman. The second and longer reading consists of the first chapter of The Darling, a novel Banks began taking notes on five years ago, and started writing a mere three years ago. Banks comments with typical understatement, “Novelists are people who have a great affection for delayed rewards.” The plot of the novel, as gleaned from this small sample, surprisingly connects a woman running an organic farm in New England to Liberia’s bloody and endless civil war.
关 键 词: 摩尔人; 初恋; 小说情节
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-20:cwx
阅读次数: 72