

Developing Future Leaders
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_basha_heidel_binur_williams_dfl...  
主讲教师: Woodie C. Flowers, Harel Williams, Anat Binur, Timothy Heidel, Elizabeth Basha
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-06
课程语种: 英语
如果Woodie Flowers能够找到自己的方式,那么具有改变世界的愿景和主动性的学生将在麻省理工学院取得司空见惯 - 而不是在他的小组中发言的非凡样本:Elizabeth Basha,他正在为洪都拉斯的乡村开发早期风暴预警系统河流盆地容易发生洪水; Timothy Heidel,为加纳村庄的学校和医疗中心提供技术解决方案的记录和现场测试; Anat Binar将年轻的以色列和巴勒斯坦学生聚集在一起,共同开发计算机科学和商业计划,以促进共同语言和共同目标;和Mare校园周围的计算机屏幕播放事件新闻的Harel Williams.Woodie Flowers认为麻省理工学院必须致力于培养具有深远目标和实现目标的学生:21世纪要求“技术文化和哲学基础,“ 他说。工程专业学生通常会问:“你为什么不给我们分析一些东西?”而应该要求“向我们展示需要帮助的人。”尽管Flowers自称“书呆子自豪”,但他认为麻省理工学院必须帮助学生获得解决现实问题的手段。麻省理工学院能否完成这一重大的“文化转变”?他们说,我们不是为了“庆祝麻省理工学院避免变革中心”。根据Flowers的说法,非常成功的FIRST(为科学和技术的灵感和认可)比赛提供了一个伟大的模式,让年轻人参与团队合作和“亲切的专业精神”,提供“高科技伸展目标”和“你最难的乐趣”弗兰克说,“在大学期间,第一批校友更有可能参与公共服务。”最终,他说,“领导力可以在麻省理工学院的水中,但它必须尽早开始并一直工作。”
课程简介: If Woodie Flowers gets his way, students with the vision and initiative to change the world will be commonplace at MIT – rather than the extraordinary exemplars who speak on his panel: Elizabeth Basha, who’s developing an early storm warning system for rural villages in a Honduras river basin prone to flooding; Timothy Heidel, who’s documenting and field testing technological solutions for schools and healthcare centers in Ghanaian villages; Anat Binar, who brings together young Israeli and Palestinian students for a combined computer science and business program, to promote a common language and joint goals; and Harel Williams who broadcasts news of events to computer screens around the MIT campus. Woodie Flowers believes MIT must be in the business of producing students with far-reaching goals and the skills to attain them: The 21st century demands the “technologically literate and philosophically grounded,” he says. Engineering students who typically ask, “Why don’t you just give us something to analyze?” should instead demand, “Show us someone who needs help.” Though Flowers boasts of having “nerd pride,” he believes MIT must help students acquire the means to solve problems in the real world. But can MIT accomplish this major “cultural shift”? We’re not here “to celebrate the MIT Center for Avoiding Change,” he says. The very successful FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) competitions provide a great model, according to Flowers, of engaging young minds in teamwork and “gracious professionalism,” offering “high tech stretch goals” and “the hardest fun you’ve ever had.” And FIRST alumni are more likely to get involved in public service while at college, says Flowers. Ultimately, he says, “Leadership can be in the water at MIT, but it has to start early and work all the way through.”
关 键 词: 公共服务; 领导力; 解决现实问题
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-20:cwx
阅读次数: 94