
The Second Law and Statistical Mechanics
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_bedeaux_slsm/  
主讲教师: Dick Bedeaux
开课单位: 挪威科技大学
开课时间: 2013-07-24
课程语种: 英语
Dick Bedeaux从19世纪中叶到今天,从统计力学的角度,耐心地追溯了热力学第二定律的演化。最早的形式,如鲁道夫·克劳修斯所阐述的,法律规定了熵​​的熵。世界总是增加。根据Bedeaux的观点,这个命题在某种意义上引发了热力学领域:“它是为了准确理解法律的来源而开始的。”对于粒子运动方面的熵研究特别感兴趣。科学家们开始关于平衡气体行为的理论,研究密度,速度分布,势能和热导率。在麦克斯韦和玻尔兹曼似乎成功证明第二定律之后,其他科学家质疑其有效性:如果牛顿方程是可逆的,他们推断,为什么系统在某种意义上不能反转速度并沿同一路径返回?其他人研究了复发悖论,“如果你在相位空间中采取任何类型的运动并遵循轨迹,那么在足够长的时间之后的轨迹将任意接近原始点...”这两个悖论对于证明根据Bedeaux的说法,辩论一直持续到19世纪末,进入20世纪,并进一步努力利用统计力学新兴学科的概率概念来完善熵的概念。该领域能够更好地描述均衡和非均衡状态。 Bedeaux说:“有很多进展,”爱因斯坦在1905年解释了布朗运动,并且更接近我们自己的时代,科学家们“使用概率描述”在关于复发悖论的争论中“打了一个洞”。尽管如此,在我们自己的时代,“在非平衡统计力学中,还没有完全令人满意的第二定律的推导。”为了应对这一挑战,证据应该提供一个简单的机械实例,“像反射墙之间的硬盘, “虽然微观层面上的运动方程结合了不可逆性的概念,证明了熵的产生,但不确定的是”大自然母亲是否认为自己必须做实验来验证,“Bedeaux总结道。
课程简介: Dick Bedeaux patiently traces the evolution of the second law of thermodynamics from its formulation in the mid-19th century through today, from the perspective of statistical mechanics. In its earliest form, as laid out by Rudolf Clausius, the law states that the entropy of the world always increases. This proposition in some sense launched the field of thermodynamics, according to Bedeaux: “It got going in order to understand exactly where the laws came from.” There was particular interest in exploring entropy in terms of the motions of particles. Scientists began refining theories around the behavior of gas in equilibrium, looking at density, velocity distribution, potential energy and heat conductivity. After Maxwell and Boltzmann appeared to have succeeded at a proof of the second law, other scientists questioned its validity: If Newton’s equations are reversible, they reasoned, why can’t a system in some sense reverse velocities and return along the same path? Others worked out the recurrence paradox, that “if you take any kind of motion in phase space and follow trajectories, that trajectory after a sufficiently long time will come arbitrarily close to the original point…” These two paradoxes posed a fundamental challenge to proofs of the second law. The debate continued through the end of the 19th century, into the 20th, with additional efforts to refine the notion of entropy using concepts of probability -- courtesy of the burgeoning discipline of statistical mechanics, according to Bedeaux. This field enabled better descriptions of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states. There was “a lot of progress,” says Bedeaux: Einstein explained Brownian motion in 1905, and closer to our own era, scientists “punched a hole in the argument about the recurrence paradox,” using probabilistic descriptions. Nevertheless, in our own times, “in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, there is as yet no fully satisfactory derivation of the second law.” To meet this challenge, a proof should provide a simple mechanical example, “like hard discs between reflecting walls, in order to be convincing.” While equations of motion on the microscopic level incorporating the idea of irreversibility demonstrate entropy production, it’s uncertain “whether Mother Nature believes this herself -- we must do experiments to verify,” concludes Bedeaux.
关 键 词: 热力学; 第二定律; 非平衡统计力学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:lxf
阅读次数: 79