
Human Rights and Politics in Israel-Palestine
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_biletzki_halper_politics/  
主讲教师: Anat Biletzki, Jeff Halper
开课单位: 特拉维夫大学
开课时间: 2011-08-16
课程语种: 英语
这两位小组成员认为,人权是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间充满矛盾的政治的核心。他们说,任何可以想象的解决这种无休止冲突的方法必须首先承认目前在以色列统治下巴勒斯坦生活的惨淡现实.Anat Biletzki和B'Tselem小组对以色列如何长期允许其平民定居的议程进行了艰苦的研究。巴勒斯坦人占领的土地构成了对巴勒斯坦人基本平等,财产权,行动自由以及他们“自决权”的侵犯。这些定居点被赋予了“合法性的外衣”,由一个又一个以色列政府批准。在地理上,定居点打破了可能是一个连续的巴勒斯坦国.Biletzki将定居点与以色列人以安全的名义进行的其他工作联系起来,以证明存在一个令人生畏的两级社会:一个禁止道路的系统被占领土上的巴勒斯坦人,或只能通过精心保护的检查站;穿过巴勒斯坦土地的隔离墙(或隔离墙);加沙的全面控制,从经济到通讯,越来越多地使它成为“一个大监狱。”巴勒斯坦人的这种障碍已经成为一种“常规现象” - 并不值得头条新闻,就像炸弹和酷刑一样,比莱茨基说。她坚持认为“我们的政治对话必须成为人权对话”,并希望她能够对美国犹太人和政策制定者产生影响,他们不相信与巴勒斯坦人达成协议的可能性:“如果我们给予他们是土地,他们会把我们扔进大海。“杰夫哈尔珀将巴勒斯坦人当前的情况描述为种族隔离,充分了解这个词的可怕共鸣。他认为定居点,道路和城墙系统是一个蓄意的土地抢劫,“在城市,乡镇和村庄内监禁成千上万的巴勒斯坦人。”种族隔离这个词“立即切断你得到它。”这很重要,因为情况以色列“是一个影响每个人的全球性问题。这是整个地区不稳定的中心......这是你不能把牙膏带到飞机上的原因之一。“重新考虑这个问题将带来南非曾经引起的那种负面关注,以及国际制裁和企业撤资。虽然哈尔珀认为以色列基本上取消了可行的两国解决方案,但他仍然认为美国可能会说服以色列撤出定居点,因此巴勒斯坦人可以搬回来。“特拉维夫街头会有跳舞,”哈尔珀预测,因为有这么多以色列人“希望这只信天翁脱离他们的背后”。
课程简介: Human rights are central to the fraught politics between Israelis and Palestinians, these two panelists argue. Any conceivable solution to such an endless conflict must begin by acknowledging the current bleak realities of Palestinian life under Israeli rule, they say. Anat Biletzki and the group B'Tselem have conducted painstaking studies of how Israel’s longstanding agenda of allowing its civilians to settle on Palestinian occupied land constitutes an infringement of the Palestinians’ basic equality, property rights, freedom of movement, their very “right to self-determination.” The settlements were given a “cloak of legality,” sanctioned as they were by one Israeli government after another. Geographically, the settlements break up what might have been a contiguous Palestinian state. Biletzki ties the settlements together with other work by the Israelis conducted in the name of security to demonstrate the existence of a forbidding, two-tier society : a system of roads off limits to Palestinians in the occupied territories, or permitted only via carefully guarded checkpoints; the wall (or separation barrier), which runs through Palestinian land; and the total control of Gaza, from the economy to communications, which increasingly makes it “a big prison.” This barricading of Palestinians has become a “routine phenomenon” –and not worthy of the headlines, in the way bombs and torture are, says Biletzki. She insists that “our political conversation must become a human rights conversation,” and hopes that she can make an impact on American Jews and policy makers, who don’t believe in the possibility of making a deal with the Palestinians: “If we give them the land, they’ll throw us into the sea.” Jeff Halper describes the current situation for Palestinians as apartheid, knowing full well the awful resonance of the term. He sees the system of settlements, roads and the wall as a deliberate land grab, “imprisoning tens of thousands of Palestinians within cities, towns and villages.” The word apartheid “cuts through -- immediately you get it.” This is important because the situation in Israel “is a global issue that affects everyone. It’s the epicenter of instability in the entire region…one of the reasons you can’t take toothpaste onto an airplane.” Reframing the issue will bring the kind of negative attention that South Africa once drew, as well as international sanctions, and corporate divestment. While Halper believes Israel has essentially foreclosed a viable two-state solution, he still imagines that the U.S. might persuade Israel to pull out of the settlements, so Palestinians can move back in. “There would be dancing in the streets of Tel Aviv,” Halper predicts, because so many Israelis “want this albatross off their back.”
关 键 词: 人权; 以色列; 巴勒斯坦
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:lxf
阅读次数: 78