
Robotics in Space Exploration
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_brooks_rse/  
主讲教师: Rodney A. Brooks
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-10-11
课程语种: 英语
他渴望发明可以前往土星或木星月球的机器人,并在这些充满敌意的环境中自主运作,罗德尼布鲁克斯会喜欢自己探索太空。 “我向杰夫贝索斯,拉里佩奇和谢尔盖布林提出了一个建议,即如果他们资助一个单向的火星任务,我会坚持下去,”布鲁克斯说。但是他知道机器人比我们送的便宜,“大袋皮肤的生物过程需要各种补给。”在布什政府的统治下,美国宇航局首先制定了一项雄心勃勃的机器人技术计划,包括派遣机器来侦察月球和火星并为人类准备居住地点。 “机器人会挖掘渠道,然后将居住模块降低到其中,当人们来到时,他们就像地下鼹鼠一样生活,”布鲁克斯说。但是,如果这些机器人能够取得如此大的成就,为什么要派人呢?事实证明,在向机器人发送命令和让机器执行功能之间存在危险的长时滞。最终,现场将需要人类的感官和时间。但现在美国宇航局的大型机器人研究计划被搁置,布鲁克斯说,由于设计新运载火箭的困难和巨大费用而受阻。布鲁克斯说,复杂的机器人工作的未来似乎是大地的。首先,国会已经规定军事创新,到2015年,美国所有军事任务的1/3应该是无人驾驶的。此外,石油工业正在推动基于机器的解决方案,解决深海钻探和油井维护等棘手问题。不要忘记新的亿万富翁太空牛仔,他们梦想在小行星上开采铂金领域(用于地球上的燃料电池),或建造太空旅游业务。但是,布鲁克斯提醒我们,我们还有很长的路要走:经过40年的研究,“一个两岁的孩子可以做的通用物体识别,我们不能用我们的机器人。”
课程简介: As eager as he is to invent robots that can travel to a moon of Saturn or Jupiter, and function autonomously in these hostile environments, Rodney Brooks would love a shot to explore space himself. “I made an offer to Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Sergei Brin that if they would fund a one-way mission to Mars, I’d go on it,” says Brooks. But he knows that robots are cheaper to send than us, “big bags of skin with biological processes requiring replenishment of all sorts.” Under the Bush Administration, NASA first laid out an ambitious program in robotic technology, involving sending machines to reconnoiter the moon and Mars and prepare habitation sites for humans. “Robots would dig channels, then lower habitation modules into them, and when people come, they’d live like moles underground,” says Brooks. But why send people at all if these robots can accomplish so much? It turns out that there’s a dangerously long lag time between sending a command to a robot and having the machine perform a function. Ultimately, human senses and timing will be needed on site. But now NASA’s grand robotic research plans are on hold, says Brooks, blocked by the difficulties and enormous expense of designing a new launch vehicle. The future of sophisticated robotic work seems earthbound, says Brooks. First, there are military innovations -- Congress has mandated that by 2015, 1/3rd of all US military missions should be unmanned. Also, the oil industry is pushing for machine-based solutions to such gritty problems as deep-ocean drilling and oil-well maintenance. And don’t forget the new billionaire space cowboys, who dream of mining platinum fields on asteroids (for fuel cells on earth), or building space tourism businesses. But, Brooks reminds us, we have a way to go: After 40 years of research, “the generic object recognition that a two-year-old child could do, we can’t do with our robots.”
关 键 词: 机器人; 土星; 探索太空
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-29:lxf
阅读次数: 74