

Chomsky on Gaza
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_chomsky_gaza/  
主讲教师: Noam Chomsky
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-06-28
课程语种: 英语
虽然他对加沙的事件不容置疑,但诺姆乔姆斯基确实认为“以色列最近对无助的巴勒斯坦人的袭击”是恐怖主义和侵略之外的一步。他说:“对于那些无法逃脱的人的虐待狂和懦弱的折磨,需要一些新的术语,每天都被美国军事技术最复杂的产品所摧毁。”乔姆斯基说,这些“新罪行”很难适应除了“熟悉”之外的任何标准类别,他的讲话都回顾了以色列与加沙和其他地方的巴勒斯坦人关系的历史。他指出,虽然许多人正在就攻击者希望实现的目标进行“清醒辩论”,但他并没有发现以色列的动机“模糊不清”。乔姆斯基说“理性的以色列强硬派”认为补贴非法的以色列人是毫无意义的。 2005年加沙定居,这将需要大量资源。相反,他们决定以可耕地和供水来支持西岸的定居,这是一个更有价值的领土。这次刑事吞并的意图是“耶路撒冷大规模扩张。”乔姆斯基说,“将加沙变成世界上最大的监狱,让人们腐烂更有意义。”他继续说,即将举行的选举影响了加沙入侵的时间。乔姆斯基说,埃胡德巴拉克在民意调查中严重落后,以捍卫以色列对哈马斯火箭的名义进行的攻击计划购买巴拉克议会席位。虽然每个州都有权利自己抵御犯罪攻击,但首先是“选择行动的问题,比例与否。任何诉诸武力的行为都会带来沉重的举证责任。“以色列肯定有”在其领土上使用武力的和平替代方案“,乔姆斯基说:它可以接受停火。乔姆斯基背诵了一连串以色列和美国虚伪的例子。围绕以色列声称的和平愿望的行动和政策。 “当然,它需要和平,每个人都想要和平。例如,希特勒想要和平。问题是,在什么条件下。“回到犹太复国主义运动的早期阶段,显然以色列想要推迟政治解决,”同时在当地建立事实。“乔姆斯基说,”今天以色列可能有安全关系正常化和融入该地区,但它显然更喜欢非法扩张,冲突,反复行使暴力,教授“两条腿的野兽”的教训,这些行动严重侵蚀了其安全,即使它获得短期军事“他总结道,”我们正在观察历史上罕见的一刻:政治上的杀戮,一个国家被谋杀在我们手中。
课程简介: While he admits to no surprise about events in Gaza, Noam Chomsky does consider “the latest U.S.-Israeli attack on helpless Palestinians” a step beyond terrorism and aggression. He says “some new term is needed for the sadistic and cowardly torture of people caged with no possibility of escape, being pounded daily by the most sophisticated products of U.S. military technology.” Chomsky says these “new crimes” don’t fit easily into any standard category except for “familiarity,” and his talk recaps the history of Israeli relations with Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere. He notes that while many are engaged in “sober debate on what the attackers hope to achieve,” he doesn’t find Israeli motives at all “obscure.” Chomsky says “rational Israeli hard-liners” decided it was senseless to subsidize the illegal Israeli settlement of Gaza in 2005, which would have required significant resources. Instead, they decided to back settlement of the West Bank, a more valuable territory, with its arable land and water supplies. The intent of this criminal annexation is “a vastly expanded Jerusalem.” Says Chomsky, “It made more sense to turn Gaza into the world’s largest prison, and let people rot.” Upcoming elections influenced the timing of the Gaza invasion, he continues. Ehud Barak was lagging badly in the polls, and an attack in the name of defending Israel against Hamas rockets was calculated to buy Barak parliamentary seats, says Chomsky. And while every state has a right to defend itself against criminal attacks, there’s “a matter of choice of action in the first place, proportional or not. Any resort to force always carries a heavy burden of proof.” Israel surely has a “peaceful alternative to the use of force on its territory,” says Chomsky: It could accept a ceasefire. Chomsky recites a litany of examples of Israeli and U.S. hypocrisy in action and policy around Israel’s claimed desire for peace. “Of course it wants peace, everyone wants peace. Hitler wanted peace, for example. The question is, on what terms.” Going back to the earliest days of the Zionist movement, it was clear that Israel wanted to delay a political settlement, “while building facts on the ground.” Says Chomsky, “Today Israel could have security, and normalization of relations and integration into the region, but it clearly prefers illegal expansion, conflict, repeated exercise of violence, to teach lessons to the ‘two-legged beasts,’ actions that are severely eroding its security even if it gains short-term military victory.” He concludes, “We’re observing a rare moment in history: politicide, the murder of a nation at our hands.”
关 键 词: 以色列; 军事技术; 新罪行
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 70