

Vietnam Remembered
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_chomsky_long_vietnam/  
主讲教师: Noam Chomsky
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-08-13
课程语种: 英语
在这场对越南战争结束的痛苦纪念中,发言者消除了任何令人欣慰的观念,即美国人从那个血腥的时代吸取了教训,更不用说寻求真相了。 Ngo Ving Long描述了从50年代初开始的美国和平政策如何涉及“对地方人民进行令人难以置信的暗杀”。美国阻止了自由选举,并帮助西贡政权不仅消灭共产党人,而且最终消灭了数百人南方成千上万的农民拿起武器来保卫自己。龙有亲密的知识。十几岁时,他在西贡的一家俱乐部遇到了一些美国将军。为了在他的国家旅行,龙同意为美国军队的抗疟疾疾病计划制作村庄地图,他很快就知道这是为了铲除可疑的颠覆分子。 “当我向高层抗议时,'你让人受苦并产生更多的敌人,更多的共产党人',我被告知,'这就是我们在马来西亚和菲律宾击败他们的方式。'事实证明并非如此“诺姆·乔姆斯基扩大了这部严峻的编年史,将南方平民的屠杀描述为”第二次世界大战后最严重的战争罪行之一。“他说,美国”基本的战争目标是摧毁这个国家,“出于对一个独立的越南”的关注将进行其他人可能想要遵循的发展过程 - 这是一种可能会感染他人的病毒。“乔姆斯基嘲笑这一观点,至少流传在伊拉克重点媒体中,公众有越南固定。乔姆斯基说:“对于越南实际发生的事情,没有任何担忧,更不用说了解。” “除非像我们这样的人能够诚实地照镜子,否则生物学中唯一能够提高智力的实验可能会非常简短。”
课程简介: In this bitter commemoration of the end of the Vietnam War, the speakers dispel any comforting notion that Americans have absorbed lessons from that bloody time, much less sought the truth. Ngo Ving Long describes how the United States policy of pacification, starting in the early ‘50s, involved “incredible assassinations of people at the local level.” The U.S. blocked free elections, and helped the Saigon regime annihilate not just Communists, but eventually hundreds of thousands of peasants in the south who took up arms to defend themselves. Long has intimate knowledge. As a teenager, he met some U.S. generals at a club in Saigon. Seeking to travel around his country, Long agreed to make maps of villages for the U.S. military’s anti-malarial disease program, which he quickly learned was a cover for rooting out suspected subversives. “When I protested to higher ups, ‘You’re making people suffer and producing more enemies, more Communists’, I was told, ‘This is how we defeated them in Malaysia and the Philippines.’ It turned out not to be the case.” Noam Chomsky expands on this grim chronicle, characterizing the slaughter of the civilian population of the south “as one of the worst, if not the worst, war crime of the post-Second World War era.” He says the United States’ “basic war aim was to destroy the country,” out of concern that an independent Vietnam “would undertake a course of development that others might want to follow—it was a virus that might infect others.” Chomsky scoffs at the view, circulated at least among Iraq-focused media, that the public has a Vietnam fixation. “There’s no concern, let alone obsession, about what actually happened in Vietnam,” says Chomsky. “Unless people like us become capable of looking in the mirror honestly, then biology’s only experiment with higher intelligence is likely to prove quite brief.”
关 键 词: 越南战争; 和平政策; 越南固定
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 56