
The Energy Problem and the Interplay Between Basic and Applied Research
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_chu_tep/  
主讲教师: Steven Chu
开课单位: 美国能源部
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
我们这个星球面临的形势几乎不可能更加严峻:各国之间竞争日益激烈,因为能源资源日益稀缺,气候变化正在超前于预测。虽然朱棣文认为“我们已经接近了非常紧张的时期,”他也看到了“希望的原因。”正如20世纪70年代的科学在农业生产力方面产生了“绿色革命”,在全球人口膨胀中阻止大规模饥饿Chu正在依靠变革性的科学和工程思想来实现可持续的能源和气候变化。作为新政策的总设计师,以数百亿美元投入他的愿景,楚是针对关键领域。他名单上的第一名:能源效率和节约。由于建筑物占全国总能源的40%,因此设计更高效的住宅和办公室将产生重大影响。现有建筑可以“调整”,软件可以在需要的地方直接照明,加热和冷却,可以实现50%以上的节能,并且不会破坏银行。 Chu表示,“这真的是低成本,但我们必须建立工具,让建筑师和结构工程师能够继续使用它。”在供应方面,Chu深入研究了纳米技术在太阳能方面取得突破的变革性技术。功率。他正在寻找扩大生物质燃料生产的方法,因为合成生物学可以使微生物像燃料一样制造气体。尤其注意到麻省理工学院的Dan Nocera的工作,Chu说他“想利用自然作为灵感,但超越自然,”进行人工光合作用以创造新的碳氢化合物。随着美国和中国继续依赖煤炭,弄清楚如何从这些植物中捕获和隔离碳,这是“我们必须做的事情上的重要事项。”他再次希望研究人员能够发现一些与大自然相似的能力来抓住和消除相信楚,就像贝尔实验室一样,Chu自己也在这里工作的理想环境。实验室围绕通信和美国的战争努力进行了“任务驱动的研究”,但在此过程中还开发了晶体管,信息理论,射电天文学和激光等许多例子。这些科学家领导的实验室强调了思想的交流和研究资金的快速注入,以最有希望的工作。这导致发明反过来改变了美国经济。 Chu设想能源实验室等同于“交付货物”以及基础科学,“因此,您可以获得诺贝尔奖,同时拯救世界。”
课程简介: The situation facing our planet could hardly be more dire: There’s increasingly dangerous competition among nations for ever scarce energy resources, and climate change is racing ahead of predictions. Although Steven Chu believes “We are getting close to where it’s very nervous time,” he also sees “reason for hope.” Just as science in the 1970s produced a “green revolution” in agricultural productivity, preventing mass starvation in a swelling global population, Chu is counting on transformative scientific and engineering ideas to achieve sustainable energy and cap climate change. As chief architect of new policy, and with tens of billions of dollars to pump into his vision, Chu is targeting key areas. Number one on his list: energy efficiency and conservation. Since buildings use 40% of the nation’s total energy, designing more efficient homes and offices will make a big difference. There are “tune ups” possible for existing buildings, and software that can direct lighting, heating and cooling where it’s needed that can achieve 50% plus energy savings, and won’t break the bank. Says Chu, “This is truly low-hanging fruit, but we have to build the tools that allow architects and structural engineers to get on with it.” On the supply side, Chu has his heart set on transformative technologies such as nanotech breakthroughs in solar power. He’s looking for ways to scale up biomass fuel production, now that synthetic biology can make microbes manufacture gas-like fuels. Noting in particular the work of MIT’s Dan Nocera, Chu says he “wants to use nature as an inspiration, but go beyond nature,” performing artificial photosynthesis to create new hydrocarbons. And as the U.S. and China continue dependence on coal, figuring out how to capture and sequester carbon from these plants figures “high on the list of things we must do.” He’s again hoping researchers will find some analog to nature’s ability to grab and neutralize CO2. The ideal environment for jumpstarting such urgent scientific efforts, believes Chu, is something like Bell Labs, where Chu himself worked. The Labs performed “mission-driven research” around communications and for U.S. war efforts, but along the way also developed the transistor, information theory, radio astronomy, and lasers, among many examples. These scientist-led labs emphasized exchange of ideas and rapid infusion of research funds to the most promising work. This led to inventions that in turn transformed the U.S. economy. Chu envisions energy lab equivalents that “deliver the goods” along with fundamental science, “so you can have the Nobel Prize and save the world at the same time.”
关 键 词: 能源资源; 绿色革命; 能源效率
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-22:cwx
阅读次数: 108