
Building One of the World's Largest Technology Businesses (and How to Have Fun and Profit from Your Hobbies)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_cloutier_bowl/  
主讲教师: Frank Cloutier
开课单位: 休威特帕卡德
开课时间: 2013-02-04
课程语种: 英语
任何人都记得全油门点阵式打印机的声音,可以理解喷墨打印的发明。为此,我们请Frank Cloutier和他有先见之明的Hewlett Packard团队表示感谢。当惠普决定在1979年进入印刷市场时,“我们被称为疯子,”克劳蒂尔说。在早期的团队会议上,有人展示了国家地理杂志的封面,其中包括一张热带鸟的华丽多色照片。 “这就是我们想要做的事情,”Cloutier记得所有人都说,然后着手发明技术,使之成为可能。通过这个故事,Cloutier提出了一个“从头到尾开始”概念的一个典型例子。惠普想要“一种你看不到的隐形墨水系统墨水。”突破性的想法是使用电阻加热墨水到在它变成气态之前的一个点,并迫使它通过微小的喷嘴到纸上。正如Cloutier所说,这种“灵感的发明”使惠普成为印刷和成像行业的第一名 - 去年有3亿台打印机出货,240亿美元的业务。 “不要浪费奇迹,”Cloutier说,但请记住,突破性发明只是工作的开始。
课程简介: Anyone who remembers the din of a dot matrix printer at full throttle can appreciate the invention of inkjet printing. For this, we have Frank Cloutier and his prescient Hewlett-Packard team to thank. When HP decided to get into the print market in 1979, “we were called lunatic,” said Cloutier. At an early team meeting, someone showed a cover of National Geographic Magazine, featuring a gorgeous, multicolor photograph of a tropical bird. “This is what we want to do,” Cloutier remembers everyone saying -- and then set about inventing the technology to make it possible. Through this story, Cloutier presents a prime example of the concept "begin with the end in mind." HP wanted “an invisible ink system -- ink you couldn’t see on the hands.” The breakthrough notion was using resistors to heat up ink to a point just before it turns gaseous, and forcing it through tiny nozzles onto paper. This kind of “invention by inspiration,” as Cloutier puts it, has led HP to the #1 position in the printing and imaging industry—with 300 million printers shipped and $24 billion in business last year. “Don’t waste miracles,” says Cloutier, but keep in mind the breakthrough invention is just the beginning of the job.
关 键 词: 喷墨打印; 惠普; 隐形墨水
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 63