

Human Simulations of Language Learning
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_coen_gleitman_hsll/  
主讲教师: Lila Gleitman, Michael Coen
开课单位: 威斯康星大学
开课时间: 2012-02-10
课程语种: 英语
迈克尔科恩解释说,这个研讨会旨在引发一场激发热议的问题的温和,协作的讨论:机器学习是否有助于解释人类如何获得语言。特别是科恩说,机器学习的倡导者认为他们有证据反对诺姆乔姆斯基的“刺激论的贫困论”,这实际上说明语言是建立在我们身上的,“儿童没有得到足够的语言输入来解释语言输出。” Coen对这种说法没有太多考虑,担心更深层次的问题,科学家们“开始以牺牲科学为代价来讨论工程学。”他描述了13岁的Bobby Fischer与世界象棋大师的惊人比赛,Fischer在那里管理看看前进16步,消除了大约10到30个董事会的职位。我们当时无法代表他的思维过程,而今天我们也没有,尽管科学家已经建造了一台可以推翻任何人类象棋冠军的机器Deep Blue。科恩说,似乎没有什么可以说国际象棋了,但我们对人类下象棋的方式一无所知。 “如果你是一名工程师,这可能会很好,但如果你是一名科学家,那就非常令人不安了。”Lila Gleitman说,机器模型的一个问题是“他们不会试图去了解人类我们知道,“我们真的不确定”首先是一块馅饼有多大。“Gleitman区分了获得语言和获得* a *语言,如法语或德语。在她多年来研究儿童如何学习语言的过程中,特别是那些完全被剥夺了语言输入的孩子,格莱特曼并没有找到一张空白的名单:“孩子们不只是坐在那里;他们开始做出手势。“Gleitman回顾了各种研究,这些研究描述了语言习得的基本顺序,无论具体的'输入如何都是如此。'如果研究人员制作出”有兴趣的模型,他们应该考虑到这一事实你可能不需要学习其中的一些。“Gleitman已经与成年人进行了模拟,在视频或纸上给出了不完整的场景(丢失文字或用路易斯卡罗尔类型的顺口溜取代),看看我们如何获得普通名词和动词的含义语境线索和推理。人们在这些测试中获得的证据来源越多,他们做得越好。但是这样的语言习得“不会扩大”到更高级别的词汇,“比如”思考。“Gleitman说,”这很疯狂......假设在语言学习情境中没有生物学给定。有很多。其中一些可能是语言的实质,其中一些是关于复杂的学习过程本身。“因此,任何类型的”信息统计建模都需要一个密谋线索的矩阵,在出现时本质上有序...增量学习的现实模型将结合学习者为任务带来的东西。“
课程简介: This workshop, explains Michael Coen, is an effort to engender temperate, collaborative discussion of a matter that inspires hot dispute: whether machine learning helps explain how humans acquire language. In particular, says Coen, machine learning advocates believe they have evidence against Noam Chomsky’s “poverty of stimulus argument,” which in essence states that language is built into us, that “children don’t receive enough linguistic inputs to explain linguistic outputs.” Coen, who doesn’t think much of such claims, worries about a deeper problem, that scientists have “begun to discuss engineering at the expense of science.” He describes 13-year-old Bobby Fischer’s astonishing match with a world chessmaster, where Fischer managed to look 16 moves ahead -- eliminating about 10 to the 30th board positions. We had no way to represent his thinking process then, and we don’t today, although scientists have built a machine, Deep Blue, that can topple any human chess champion. It seems there’s nothing left to say about chess, yet we know absolutely nothing about how humans play chess, says Coen. “If you’re an engineer, this may be fine, but if you’re a scientist, that’s deeply troubling.” One problem with machine models, says Lila Gleitman, is that “they don’t try to learn what the human already knows,” and we really aren’t sure “how big a piece of the pie that is in the first place.” Gleitman distinguishes between acquiring language, and acquiring *a* language, like French or German. In her years of researching how children learn language, and specifically children who have been deprived of linguistic input entirely, Gleitman does not find a blank slate: “Children don’t just sit there; they start to make gestures.” Gleitman reviews various studies that describe a basic sequence in language acquisition that holds true regardless of specific ‘inputs.’ If researchers make models that are to be “of any interest, they ought to take into account the fact that you may not have to learn some of this.” Gleitman has conducted simulations with adults, giving them incomplete scenes on video or paper (dropping words or substituting Lewis Carroll type doggerel) to see how we acquire the meaning of common nouns and verbs through contextual clues and inference. The more sources of evidence people get in these tests, the better they do. But such language acquisition “doesn’t scale up” to higher level categories of words,” such as “think.” Says Gleitman, “It’s crazy…to suppose there’s no biological given in a language learning situation. There’s plenty. Some of it is maybe the substance of language and some of that is about the sophisticated learning procedures themselves.” So any kind of “informative statistical modeling requires a matrix of conspiring cues, intrinsically ordered in time of appearance…Realistic models of incremental learning will incorporate what the learner brings to the task.”
关 键 词: 机器学习; 获得语言; 语言输出
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-14:yumf
阅读次数: 44