
Alan Turing: Codebreaker and AI Pioneer
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_copeland_at/  
主讲教师: B. Jack Copeland
开课单位: 坎特伯雷大学
开课时间: 2011-12-16
课程语种: 英语
在布莱切利公园(Bletchley Park)打破拯救英国和纳粹德国的代码,是第二次世界大战中最伟大的故事之一,被误解的天才艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)站在这个故事的中心。也许没有人理解图灵在这一时期的作用以及他对数学和计算的巨大影响,如杰克科普兰。在这次演讲中,Copeland争辩说图灵应该被称为人工智能之父。他将人类智能的起源定为“1941年,1941年的黑暗日子”,当图灵和其他代码破坏者与纳粹代码机器Enigma进行对抗时。 Copeland描述了图灵如何打破以前不可侵犯的Enigma指标系统,并帮助设计机电机器以阅读数千个德国无线电拦截。这些设备采用启发式搜索,现在是人工智能的核心思想。他们找到了正确的答案“经常足够快,足以实时阅读。”如果没有这样的机器,德国U型船将摧毁北大西洋车队,为英国提供生命线。科普兰指出,图灵迷上了这种启发式思想解决问题,他推测通过“利用引导式搜索”来构建复杂的机器。在战争爆发之前,图灵已经构想出一种将程序存储在内存中的通用计算机器。世界上第一台大型电子计算机Colossus在Bletchley用于打破其他纳粹代码,图灵为追求机器智能的想法找到了额外的灵感。 “现在几乎每个人都拥有通用图灵机的物理实现,图灵对一站式计算机的想法似乎就像轮子一样明显,”科普兰说。但是在1936年,工程师“考虑到为特定目的建造特定的机器。”图灵的想法是革命性的。战争结束后,图灵加入国家物理实验室,开发了自动计算引擎的原理图,作为第一个电子存储程序通用数字计算机。科普兰认为,人工智能是他的愿景的核心。他将这个项目描述为“建立一个大脑。”图灵推测构建无组织的人工神经元网络,可以训练他们执行特定任务。他还发表了图灵测试的报告,这是一种确定计算机是否“思考”的方法。最后,科普兰针对其许多批评者捍卫图灵测试,并预测“人工智能在50年内共同行动的概率”一台可以通过图灵测试的机器非常好。“
课程简介: The code-breaking work at Bletchley Park, which helped save Britain from Nazi Germany, qualifies as one of the greatest stories of World War II, and the misunderstood genius, Alan Turing, stands at the center of this tale. Perhaps no one understands Turing’s role during this period -- and his larger impact on mathematics and computing -- like B. Jack Copeland. In this lecture, Copeland contends that Turing should be celebrated as the father of artificial intelligence. He dates the origins of AI “to the dark days in 1940, 1941” when Turing and fellow code-breakers were pitted against the Nazi code machine Enigma. Copeland describes how Turing broke the previously inviolable indicator system of Enigma, and helped design electromechanical machines to read thousands of German radio intercepts. These devices employed heuristic searching, which is now a central idea of AI. They found the right answer “often enough and fast enough to be read in real time.” Without such machines, German U-boats would have decimated the North Atlantic convoys providing a lifeline to Britain. Copeland notes that Turing was hooked on this idea of heuristic problem solving, and that he speculated on building sophisticated machines by “making use of guided search.” Well before the breakout of war, Turing had conceived of a general computing machine that stored programs in memory. The world’s first large-scale, electronic computer, Colossus was used at Bletchley to break other Nazi codes, and Turing found additional inspiration for pursuing ideas of machine intelligence. “Nowadays when nearly everyone owns the physical realization of a universal Turing machine, Turing’s idea of a one-stop shop computing machine is apt to seem as obvious as the wheel,” says Copeland. But in 1936, engineers “thought in terms of building specific machines for particular purposes.” Turing’s idea was revolutionary. After the war, Turing joined the National Physical Laboratory and developed the schematics for an Automatic Computing Engine, intended as the first electronic stored-program general-purpose digital computer. AI was central to his vision, believes Copeland. He described this project as “building a brain.” Turing speculated about constructing networks of unorganized, artificial neurons that could be trained to carry out particular tasks. He also published an account of the Turing Test, a method for determining whether a computer “thinks.” Finally, Copeland defends the Turing Test against its many detractors, and predicts that “the probability of AI getting its act together in 50 years to produce a machine that can pass the Turing Test is pretty good.”
关 键 词: 人工智能; 代码机器; 程序存储
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 86