
Technologies Changing Communities, Communities Innovating Technology
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_cunningham_mills_tcc/  
主讲教师: Dayna Cunningham, Alexa Mills
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-08-10
课程语种: 英语
Dayna Cunningham和Alexa Mills说,帮助社区自助的最佳方式是让其成员找到他们的声音并相互交谈。在美国和海外的几个项目中,两位发言人正在制定方法,使社区能够表达和定义自己,因此他们可能更多地参与更大的公民和政治过程。坎宁安描述了她对非洲裔美国公民参与的特别关注。她承认她“得出的结论是,黑人公民参与的基础设施已经死亡”,然后美国选出了第一位黑人总统。然而,尽管或是因为这一胜利,她觉得有更多的理由为非洲裔美国人参与公民活动寻找渠道.Alexa Mills回顾了她在两个历史上黑人布鲁克林社区的努力,以创建社区媒体项目。一个大型浸信会教堂是社区的基石,受到各种高档化问题的挑战,并要求米尔斯与不同群体的非裔美国人社区成员进行面谈,以听取他们的观点。 “他们的目标是在投射他们的声音之前互相倾听,”米尔斯说。虽然她进入企业想象围绕负担得起的住房组织社区,但她发现相反,人们对白人入住并以不文明的方式行事表示强烈关注:新邻居不会在他们经过街道或在街上打招呼时打招呼建筑物。她希望她的采访和一个设想的未来网站将有助于建立新老社区成员之间的联系,并最终为教会未来的努力提供信息。在另一个项目中,米尔斯与肯塔基州东部城镇的人们一起工作,他们感到受到破坏性环境行为的压迫。当地煤炭公司。她帮助制作了一部关于一个当地男子鱼塘的电影,这部电影是他的生活中被采矿径流毒害的。由社区团体设计的网站主持关于此视频的热烈对话,以及采矿引发的其他问题,部分通过这项技术,该团队正在学习“争取它想要的东西,”米尔斯说。
课程简介: The best way to help a community help itself, say Dayna Cunningham and Alexa Mills, is to enable its members to find their voices and talk to each other. In several projects in the U.S. and overseas, the two speakers are developing methodologies for enabling communities to express and define themselves, so they may become more engaged in a larger civic and political process. Cunningham describes her particular focus on African-American civic engagement. She confesses she had “come to the conclusion that the infrastructure of black civic engagement was dead” -- and then the U.S. elected its first black president. However, in spite or because of this triumph, she feels there’s more reason than ever to find channels for African-American involvement in the civic process. Alexa Mills recounts her efforts in two historically black Brooklyn neighborhoods to create community-based media projects. A large Baptist church, the cornerstone of the community, was challenged by various issues of gentrification, and asked Mills to conduct interviews with a diverse group of African- American community members to hear their perspectives. “Their goal is to hear one another before projecting their voice,” says Mills. Although she went into the enterprise imagining organizing the community around affordable housing, she found that instead, there was fierce concern about white people moving in and behaving in an uncivil way: New neighbors wouldn’t say hello as they passed on the street or in buildings. She hopes her interviews and an envisioned future website will help make connections among new and old community members, and ultimately inform the church’s future efforts. In another project, Mills worked with people in an Eastern Kentucky town who felt oppressed by the destructive environmental behaviors of local coal companies. She helped make a movie about one local man’s fish pond -- his life’s work -- that was poisoned by mining runoff. The web site designed by a community group hosts lively conversations about this video, and other issues provoked by mining, and partly through this technology, the group is learning to “fight for what it wants,” says Mills.
关 键 词: 社区成员; 教会未来; 采矿
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 36