

The Great Climategate Debate
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_debate_climategate/  
主讲教师: Judith Layzer, Richard Lindzen, Ronald G. Prinn, Henry D. Jacoby, Stephen Ansolabehere, Kerry Emanuel
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
去年11月,东安格利亚大学气候研究部门发送的电子邮件遭到黑客袭击,震惊了全球气候变化科学,激起全球变暖怀疑论者的兴趣,并威胁要破坏哥本哈根政策谈判。这些小组成员在发布的电子邮件的科学含义上有所不同,他们普遍认为这一集将对更大的科学界产生长期影响。“我们在这里有什么,”克里伊曼纽尔说,“成千上万的电子邮件集体向科学家展示在工作中,试图找出面对它们的证据的含义。在一些信息中,有几条线显示了一些科学家的人类失败......“伊曼纽尔认为”科学地,它没有任何意义“,因为争议不会挑战支持人为变暖的压倒性证据。他更加关注资金充足的“公共关系运动”,以淹没或歪曲气候科学的信息,他将这些信息与数十亿甚至数万亿的利益联系起来......这个“机器......一直都很高成功地将气候科学家称为一堆凉鞋,喝果汁饮用左派激进分子参与大规模的阴谋,让我们回到农业社会......“理查德林德森声称他”不知道“如果”机器“存在,伊曼纽尔正在谈论什么,它在“另一面”,使那些不同意科学的人边缘化。电子邮件的发布很可能是“对于一个不能再接受它的告密者了。”Lindzen在通信中看到了“不道德的事情,在许多情况下是非法的”,包括拒绝让外人访问数据,以及是否愿意销毁数据而不是释放数据。他认为,由于很难阅读这些文件“而不是认为坏事正在发生”,这将对“民众对科学的支持”产生负面影响。对于研究微小问题的研究存在“丑闻,欺骗和争论”。 Lindzen推测,温度变化的增加是因为许多科学家和普通人都投资于戏剧性的,基于人类的变暖“人们正在遭受灾难。”“电子邮件缓存中不谨慎的语言反映了科学家对策略的巨大挫败感他们的对手,“朱迪思莱泽说。气候变化给科学家们带来了一个严峻的新挑战:“一方面,他们认为它足够紧迫,他们愿意竭尽全力,使用他们通常不会使用的语言来试图说服公众。另一方面,他们面对最复杂的怀疑主义运动,并且一直违反他们习以为常的协议。“温和的科学语言,强调证据的重量,不能与攻击竞争这使得模型失去了信誉,“这本质上对非科学家来说是愚蠢的。”粗心的电子邮件通信给公众提供了一个严厉的提醒,即科学家“是人类的,容易犯错的,而且并不总是明智的。”电子邮件的争议,斯蒂芬·安索拉贝尔说道,这给科学带来了不确定性。辩论,并将导致公众更严格的审查 - 这是“健康的”。由于气候变化是一个影响社会多方面的大规模问题,“我们现在必须问自己的问题是,”谁将警察科学和科学如何在公众辩论中保持可信度?“作为私人公民,科学家可以自由参与政治辩论,但”必须特别注意谨慎地保持研究标准和方法。“科学家将在未来发现”他们必须更加谨慎地维护研究标准,因为更多的是关键而不是发表下一篇论文......“在梳理完电子邮件之后,Ronald Prinn已达到几个结论:一些处理温度数百年自然变异模型的交流是“个人性质的”和“不专业的”。被控操纵数据的科学家的研究并不是人为气候变化论证的核心,也没有。它损害了政府间气候变化专门委员会的工作,尽管公众对气候科学的看法肯定受到了影响。 Prinn总结说,气候研究人员“必须退出两极分化的趋势。”更重要的是,他们必须更好地向公众传播多种方法和批判性分析是气候科学的常态,合法科学可以在同行评审的文献中找到, “不是在博客中或在报纸上发表评论。”
课程简介: The hacking of emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit in November rocked the world of climate change science, energized global warming skeptics, and threatened to derail policy negotiations at Copenhagen. These panelists, who differ on the scientific implications of the released emails, generally agree that the episode will have long-term consequences for the larger scientific community. “What we have here,” says Kerry Emanuel, are “thousands of emails collectively showing scientists hard at work, trying to figure out the meaning of evidence that confronts them. Among a few messages, there are a few lines showing the human failings of a few scientists…” Emanuel believes that “scientifically, it means nothing,” because the controversy doesn’t challenge the overwhelming evidence supporting anthropogenic warming. He is far more concerned with the well-funded “public relations campaign” to drown out or distort the message of climate science, which he links to “interests where billions, even trillions are at stake...” This “machine … has been highly successful in branding climate scientists as a bunch of sandal-wearing, fruit-juice drinking leftist radicals engaged in a massive conspiracy to return us to agrarian society…” Richard Lindzen professes he has “no idea” what Emanuel is talking about -- if a “machine” exists, it’s on the “other side,” marginalizing those who disagree on the science. The release of emails is likely due “to a whistleblower who couldn’t take it anymore.” Lindzen sees evidence in the correspondence of “things that are unethical and in many cases illegal,” including the refusal to allow outsiders access to data, and the willingness to destroy data rather than release it. He believes that since it’s hard to read the documents “and not conclude that bad things are going on,” this will have a negative impact on “popular support for science.” There are “scandals, cheating and arguments” over research dealing with tiny increments of temperature change, Lindzen speculates, because so many scientists and ordinary people are invested in the idea of dramatic, human-based warming -- “People are being thrown catastrophes.” “The imprudent language in the email cache reflects scientists’ enormous frustration with the tactics of their opponents,” says Judith Layzer. Climate change poses a serious new challenge for scientists: “On the one hand, they perceive it as sufficiently urgent that they’re willing to go to great lengths, use language they wouldn’t ordinarily, to try to persuade the public. On the other hand, they face the most sophisticated campaign of skepticism ever assembled, and one that consistently violates protocols they’re accustomed to.” The moderate language of science, with its emphasis on the weight of evidence, can’t compete with attacks that discredit models, “which by their very nature are fishy to nonscientists.” Careless email communications gave the public a harsh reminder that scientists “are human, fallible and not always judicious.” The email controversy, says Stephen Ansolabehere creates uncertainty about the scientific debate, and will lead to greater scrutiny by the public – which is “healthy.” Since climate change is a grand scale problem with impacts on multiple dimensions of society, the “question we must ask ourselves now is, “Who will police science and how can science maintain credibility as it gets into public debates?” Scientists, as private citizens, are free to engage in political debates, but “must be especially careful about maintaining research standards and methods.” Scientists will find in the future “they must be even more scrupulous about maintaining research standards because more is at stake than getting the next paper published…” After combing through the emails, Ronald Prinn has reached several conclusions: Some exchanges dealing with modeling natural variability in temperatures over hundreds of years were “personal in nature,” and “unprofessional.” The research of the scientists accused of manipulating data is not central to the argument for anthropogenic climate change, nor has it compromised the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, although the public perception of climate science has certainly been affected. Climate researchers, Prinn concludes, “must step back from the tendency to polarization.” More important, they must communicate better to the public that multiple approaches and critical analyses are the norm in climate science and that legitimate science is found in peer-reviewed literature, “not in blogs or in opinion pieces that go into newspapers.”
关 键 词: 气候变化; 全球变暖; 电子邮件
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 16