

Leadership Development
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_debate_development/  
主讲教师: Eric Amundsen, Dava Newman, Karina Funk, Ajit Kambil
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-04-08
课程语种: 英语
来自麻省理工学院技术与政策计划(TPP)的三位毕业生讨论他们的职业道路,颠簸和所有,并为现在的学生提供指导。作为一名机械工程师,埃里克阿蒙森“从未在生活中认为(他)将是一名律师“然后他”偶然发现了专利法。“他参加了一个研究生研讨会,在那里他被迫对自己的好恶进行排名。当他分析他的优先事项时,他发现工程学不是最合适的,而专利法“接近100%。”阿蒙森在他的选择中感到平反。他继续充分利用他的技术专长,帮助客户“从知识产权中获取价值”,提供战略建议,并协商困难问题。无论情况如何,阿蒙森都指出“这往往取决于人际关系:你可以成为世界上最好的律师,但如果(客户)不喜欢和你说话,你就不会很好地为他们服务。”来自阿蒙森对于职业建设者来说,这是一个分开的教训:“当你得到一个确定的东西不正确的时候要注意。”Karina Funk“从工程学到涉及政策,向政策制定者解释科学,向商业和运营,财务和投资。“Funk认为麻省理工学院有能力打开许多领域的大门,因为”与其他学术环境不同,“麻省理工学院文化鼓励结合学科。在对健康和环境产生兴趣并意识到她不会对政策世界产生影响之后,Funk转向了商业。她描述了一种早期的经历,这种经历导致了她随后携带的重要见解。在伯克利开始物理学研究生学位两周前,她意识到自己“不想成为实验室老鼠。”(她发现了TPP计划。)她告诉听众:“你弄明白你不做什么想做。我不是在开玩笑,当我说我的一些最好的决定来得非常快,因为我已经在我的轨道上停下来,对我前面的道路感到厌恶或失望。我知道我必须做出改变。“在”电梯间“的背景下,在亚洲创办了一所创业型商学院,Ajit Kambil描述了他职业生涯中的一些里程碑和他的哲学。作为一名癌症幸存者,Kambil得知“你每天都活着;充分利用它。“对他而言,这意味着更少强调成功,更多地强调”你将给予什么。“他的TPP重点围绕信息技术,让他进一步研究信息系统如何影响组织。 Kambil一直在学术界;开始了各种各样的公司,“一些哑弹,一些成功;”并写了一本关于拍卖和市场的书,看看为什么荷兰人“非常擅长鲜花。”他了解到生活中出现的某些问题需要很长时间才能回答。他的建议是:“坚持。”他还建议“设定大胆的目标”,将自己和其他人扩展到更高的目标,与少数好人建立网络,并在带头迎接新的挑战之前做好准备。
课程简介: A trio of graduates from MIT’s Technology and Policy Program (TPP) discuss their career paths, bumps and all, and offer guidance to current students. Having studied as a mechanical engineer, Eric Amundsen “never in life thought (he) would be an attorney.” Then he “stumbled across patent law.” He attended a graduate student seminar where he was forced to rank his likes and dislikes. When he analyzed his priorities, he discovered that engineering was not the best fit, while patent law “matched up close to 100%.” Amundsen feels vindicated in his choice. He continues to put his technical expertise to good use, enjoys helping clients “get value out of their IP,” offers strategic advice, and negotiates difficult problems. Whatever the situation, Amundsen notes that “it often comes down to relationships: You can be the best attorney in the world but if (clients) don’t like talking to you, you’re not going to serve them well.” From Amundsen, this parting lesson for career-builders: “Pay attention when you get a sure gut feeling that something’s not right.” Karina Funk “went from engineering, to dabbling in policy, explaining science to policy-makers, to business and operations, to finance and investing.” Funk credits MIT with her ability to open doors to many fields, because “unlike other academic environments,” the MIT culture encourages combining disciplines. After developing an interest in health and the environment, and realizing she was not going to make a difference in the policy world, Funk turned to business. She describes an early experience that resulted in an important insight she’s since carried with her. Two weeks before starting a graduate degree in physics at Berkeley, she realized she “didn’t want to be a lab rat.” (She found the TPP program instead.) She tells her listeners: “You figure out what you don’t want to do. I’m not kidding when I say some of my best decisions have come very quickly when I’ve been literally stopped dead in my tracks, disgusted or disappointed by the path ahead of me. I know I have to make a change.” Within the context of an “elevator pitch” to launch an entrepreneurial business school in Asia, Ajit Kambil describes some milestones in his career, and his philosophy. A cancer survivor, Kambil has learned “you live every day; make the most of it.” For him, this means less emphasis on success, and more on “what you are going to give.” His TPP focus, around information technology, engaged him in further studies of how information systems affect organizations. Kambil has been in academics; started various companies, “some duds, some successes;” and written a book on auctions and markets, looking at why the Dutch “are so good at flowers.” He learned that certain problems that crop up in life take a long time to answer. His recommendation: “Persist.” He also suggests “setting bold goals” to stretch yourself and others to a higher purpose, building a network with a few good people, and preparing before taking the lead on a new challenge.
关 键 词: 职业道路; 目标; 影响组织
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-21:cwx
阅读次数: 44