
Rebuilding the City of New Orleans: Working Across Sectors to Achieve a Common Goal
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_fernandez_rcno/  
主讲教师: John E. Fernandez
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-25
课程语种: 英语
约翰费尔南德斯花了一年多的时间才开始了解新奥尔良的政治参与者和竞争利益,所以他提出重建城市的共同目标并不奇怪,更不用说“资源效率高”了。尽管如此,费尔南德斯和其他麻省理工学院的研究人员仍然希望将卡特里娜飓风新奥尔良作为一个成功的案例研究成为一个城市“变绿”,或许可以作为其他城市中心的典范,尤其是那些面临气候变化挑战的城市。费尔南德斯成为当他被邀请去检查这个城市的公共住房单元时,他们深深卷入了新奥尔良的斗争中,其中大多数单位在没有经过检查的情况下受到了谴责。他发现绝大多数人要么适合居住,要么可以恢复。 “决定缺乏公民声音”迫使这个城市最穷的人放弃他们的家园,通常是FEMA拖车。现在,新奥尔良恢复管理办公室似乎正朝着更加进步的方向发展,费尔南德斯希望以一种平衡不同利益相关者的需求并将真正的科学应用于城市设计的方式重建城市。费尔南德斯及其同事开发了一种软件工具,帮助城市决策者就重建方法做出明智的决策。研究人员使用物质流分析,测量材料和能源的输入和输出,住房的耐久性,建筑类型的成本数据,能源使用率,废物产生率。他们还应用有关人口和就业,住房需求和增长优先事项的数据。通过这个工具,新奥尔良城市规划者可以模拟整个绿色城市,或针对特定的社区。这样的建模可以为设计师,工程师和住宅建筑商提供激励,使他们能够专注于水回收,现场能源生产和家庭恢复等领域的创新。费尔南德斯描述了一个房子,当水在大洪水期间升起时,房子会升起。最后,费尔南德斯希望在新奥尔良及其他地方“提高城市资源效率”。他的工具试图通过首先精确地验证不同类型的建筑物如何减少碳排放,能源使用和建筑材料等来实现这一目标。虽然新建绿色建筑将对我们的能源使用产生重大影响,但费尔南德斯指出,最大的机遇在于改善现有建筑的能源使用。市政府以及学术界必须迎接“解决绿色城市未来障碍”的挑战。
课程简介: It took John Fernandez more than a year just to begin to understand the political players and competing interests in New Orleans, and so it is no surprise to him that coming up with a common goal for rebuilding the city, much less a “resource efficient one,” proves elusive. Nevertheless, Fernandez and other MIT researchers aspire to make post-Katrina New Orleans a successful case study of a city “becoming green,” perhaps serving as a model for other urban centers, particularly those facing climate change challenges. Fernandez became deeply involved in New Orleans’ struggle when he was invited to examine the city’s public housing units, most of which had been condemned without inspection. He discovered that the vast majority were either habitable or recoverable. The “decided lack of a civic voice” forced the city’s poorest to abandon their homes, often for FEMA trailers. Now, New Orleans Office of Recovery Management seems to be moving in a more progressive direction, according to Fernandez, looking to rebuild the city in a way that balances the needs of different stake-holders and applies real science to urban design. Fernandez and his colleagues have developed a software tool to help city policy-makers make informed decisions about approaches to rebuilding. The researchers use material flow analysis, measuring inputs and outputs of material and energy, durability of housing stock, cost data on building types, energy use rates, waste generation rates. They also apply data on population and employment, housing needs and growth priorities. With this tool, New Orleans urban planners can model an entire green city, or target specific neighborhoods. Modeling like this can provide incentives for designers, engineers and home builders to focus on innovations in such areas as water recovery, onsite energy production and home resilience. Fernandez describes a house that rises when water lifts it during dramatic flooding. Ultimately, Fernandez hopes to “increase urban resource efficiency” in New Orleans and beyond. His tools attempt to make this possible by first precisely verifying how different kinds of buildings reduce carbon emissions, energy use, and construction materials, among other things. While making new, green buildings will have a critical impact on our use of energy, Fernandez notes that the biggest opportunity lies in improving energy use in existing buildings. City governments, as well as academics, must rise to the challenge “in addressing barriers to a green, urban future.”
关 键 词: 重建城市; 物质流分析; 绿色城市
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-29:lxf
阅读次数: 36