
J.H. 基南对热力学的贡献

J.H. Keenan’s Contribution to Thermodynamics
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_ghoniem_hockfield_hatsopoulos_k...  
主讲教师: George N. Hatsopoulos, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Susan Hockfield
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-24
课程语种: 英语
本次研讨会表彰的约瑟夫·亨利·基南于1977年去世,但他的开创性工作继续影响着热力学领域,正如他的同事,学者和科学后代所证明的那样。 Keenan的努力取得了实际成果,例如确定蒸汽的性质,从而推动了电力行业的发展。但正如Ahmed Ghoniem所说,Keenan对热力学定律的探索和重新制定有助于将这一领域置于生命科学,能源,信息,计算和纳米科学等多元化的当代学科的中心。 Susan Hockfield指出,“该领域已经从热力发动机的模型发展成为一套管理所有形式的能量转换的基本原则。”Keenan在麻省理工学院的历史中也发挥了重要作用。在基南在该学院工作的40年间,他担任模范教师。他创立了一个思想流派,塑造了全球热力学的教学和应用。他的研究“结合开发实用工程工具并提供深刻微妙的解释”,并为学术领导设定了标准,领导机械工程系在人造卫星时代的艰难时期。对于George Hatsopoulos,Keenan是“我的导师,我的朋友......他的直觉是如此令人难以置信的正确;他总是以正确的方式引导我。“Hatsopoulos分享了关于Keenan严谨思考和语言准确性的个人轶事,并提供了Keenan女儿在他去世前不久拍摄的两个简短视频片段,揭示了他的探究方法。 Hatsopoulos认为Keenan活着,他会向研讨会的主持人和听众提出以下问题:“熵是任何系统的内在属性,无论是微观的还是宏观的,无论是处于平衡还是非平衡状态? “
课程简介: Joseph Henry Keenan, whom this symposium honors, died in 1977, but his groundbreaking work continues to influence the field of thermodynamics, as his colleagues, protégés and scientific descendants attest. Keenan’s efforts had practical outcomes, such as determining the properties of steam, which boosted the electric power industry. But as Ahmed Ghoniem says, Keenan’s exploration and reformulation of the laws of thermodynamics helped place this field in the center of such diverse, contemporary disciplines as the life sciences, energy, information, computation and the nanosciences. “The field has grown from a model of the heat engine to a set of fundamental principles that govern energy conversion in all forms.” Keenan played a powerful role in MIT’s history as well, notes Susan Hockfield. In Keenan’s 40 years at the Institute, he served as a model teacher. He founded a school of thought and shaped the teaching and application of thermodynamics worldwide. His research “combined developing practical engineering tools with providing explanations of deep subtlety,” and he set a standard for academic leadership, heading the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the difficult post-Sputnik era. To George Hatsopoulos, Keenan was “my mentor, my friend…His intuition was so unbelievably right; he always led me the right way.” Hatsopoulos shares personal anecdotes about Keenan’s rigorous thinking and precision with language, and offers two short video clips taken by Keenan’s daughter shortly before his death that reveal his method of inquiry. Hatsopoulos suggests that were Keenan alive, he would ask the symposium presenters and audience the following question: “Is entropy an intrinsic property of any system, whether microscopic or macroscopic, whether in a state of equilibrium or nonequilibrium? “
关 键 词: 热力学领域; 蒸汽; 纳米科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-29:lxf
阅读次数: 157