
Engineering and Earth Systems: Can We Educate a New Breed of Engineers?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_gschwend_ees/  
主讲教师: Philip M. Gschwend
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-05-23
课程语种: 英语
石棉和含氯氟烃作为普通日常问题的高效解决方案赢得了最初的声誉。但几十年后,这些突破性化合物获得了更多的险恶差异,成为人类和环境健康的强大破坏者.Philip Gschwend认为科学家现在有足够的证据预测新化合物会随着时间的推移逐渐扩散到环境中,通常会产生破坏性影响。例如,Gschwend说,“这不是火箭科学”,用于预测MTBE,这些炼油厂多年来一直在增加汽油以减少尾气排放,从而渗透到供水系统中。如果您知道化学物质如何在土壤和地下水中移动,您可以估算最终将在井和水库中的MTBE浓度。这种潜在的致癌物质现在正在许多地方逐步淘汰。但是,工业过程和我们赖以生存的设备中出现了越来越模糊的化学元素。 “我们发明和设计但不考虑环境后果,”Gschwend说。 “问题绝对无处不在。”因此,Gschwend正致力于改变工程师和科学家在开发新产品和新工艺时采用的方法。社会继续要求技术更好,更快,更具成本效益,但它不能继续抽出能够破坏生态系统和人类健康的化合物。 Gschwend说,关键是要在生产周期的早期引入环境影响问题。此外,工程师应该更多地了解自然,以获得如何安全和可持续地将材料整合在一起的课程。也许麻省理工学院应该帮助创建环保设计的新工程专业。
课程简介: Asbestos and chlorofluorocarbons earned their initial reputations as highly effective solutions to common, every day problems. But after a few decades, these breakthrough compounds earned more sinister distinctions, as powerful disrupters of human and environmental health. Philip Gschwend believes scientists have enough evidence by now to anticipate that new compounds will routinely diffuse into the environment over time, often with destructive effect. For instance, Gschwend says, “It’s not rocket science” to project and demonstrate how MTBE, which refiners have been adding to gasoline for years to reduce tailpipe emissions, leaches into the water supply. If you know how a chemical moves through soil and groundwater, you can estimate the concentrations of MTBE that will end up in wells and reservoirs. This potential carcinogen is now being phased out in many locations. But ever more obscure chemical elements are showing up in industrial processes and the equipment on which we depend for contemporary life. “We invent and design but don’t think about the environmental consequences,” says Gschwend. “The problem is absolutely everywhere.” So Gschwend is on an “evangelical mission” to change the approach engineers and scientists take when developing new products and processes. Society continues to require technology that works better, faster and more cost-effectively, but it can’t continue to pump out compounds that throw the ecosystem and human health out of whack. The key, says Gschwend, is to introduce the issue of environmental impact early on in the production cycle. In addition, engineers should look more to nature for lessons in how to put materials together safely and sustainably. And perhaps MIT should help create a new engineering specialty in environmentally compatible design.
关 键 词: 环境问题; 工程师; 新化合物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-31:yuh
阅读次数: 54