
从实验室到市场:技术领先的地方 - 研究主任的观点

From Lab to Market: Where Technology is Headed—The Research Director’s Point of View
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_henderson_horn_chowdhry_tepper_...  
主讲教师: Paul Horn, Robert Tepper, Uma Chowdhry, Rebecca Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-05-25
课程语种: 英语
您如何以先锋技术进行研发?这三位小组成员对这个问题提供了不同的观点。 Paul Horn坚持IBM长期以来对其55亿美元年度研究工作的承诺,但有一些警告:“这完全取决于将新想法融入硬件,软件和服务的速度,”他说。如果不考虑“市场渠道”,你就无法考虑创新.IBM坚持认为“研究人员在市场上花时间让他们了解他们的技术如何解决现实问题。”在杜邦,Uma Chowdhry引用了“悄然发生的事情”。生物基材料领域的转型。“在两个世纪以来,杜邦公司面临着一个新的主要挑战:”我们如何从石油经济转变为农作物等可再生资源?“与麻省理工学院等合作伙伴合作,该公司是探索葡萄糖,甲烷和纳米技术,以经济地烹饪新型燃料,食品补充剂和其他产品。 Chowdhry承认,这是“一个非常大的梦想”。她说,先决条件是“高层管理人员必须对任务以及时间,愿景和耐心有坚定的承诺。”罗伯特泰珀描述了推动他的领域前进的两次革命的趋同。人类基因组的完整测序,结合了解疾病途径的进展,将使千禧的研究人员能够创造“突破性疗法”。科学家已经“在癌症和炎症方面取得进展,”泰珀说。千禧与工业,医院和学术界联系起来,管理基因组以了解“为什么个体易患疾病”。
课程简介: How do you conduct R&D in a vanguard technology? These three panelists provide varying perspectives on the question. Paul Horn stands by IBM’s longstanding commitment to its 5.5 billion dollar annual research effort, but with some caveats: “It’s all about the speed of flowing new ideas into hardware, software and services,” he says. You can’t think about innovation without also considering “channels to market.” IBM insists that “researchers spend time in the marketplace so they can understand how their technology can solve real world problems.” At DuPont, Uma Chowdhry cites a “quietly occurring transformation in the area of biobased materials.” At two centuries’ young, DuPont has a new primary challenge: “How do we transform from a petroleum-based economy to renewable resources such as crops?” Working with partners such as MIT, the company is exploring glucose, methane and nanotechnology to cook up new kinds of fuel, food supplements, and other products—all economically. It’s “a very big dream,” acknowledges Chowdhry. The prerequisite, she says, is that “top management must have an unwavering commitment to the mission as well as time, vision and patience.” Robert Tepper describes the convergence of two revolutions driving his field forward. The complete sequencing of the human genome, combined with advances in understanding pathways of disease, will enable Millennium’s researchers to create “breakthrough therapies.” Scientists are already “making strides in cancer and inflammation,” says Tepper. Millennium is linking up with industry, hospitals and academia, plumbing the genome to learn “why individuals are susceptible to disease.”
关 键 词: 先锋技术; 实验室; 市场
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-30:yuh
阅读次数: 40