
Getting Unstuck: How to Promote More Sustainable Practices in Our Organizations
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_henderson_sustainable/  
主讲教师: Rebecca Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-03-10
课程语种: 英语
Rebecca Henderson表示,实现可持续发展所需要的只是清理您当前的运营和/或重新考虑业务。 “这很容易,”她笑着说道。亨德森在其职业生涯的大部分时间都在努力帮助企业接受并实现这种转型。她和她的同事分析了为什么企业陷入困境,以及如何在可持续发展的挑战和机遇中大胆行动。 Henderson说,过载证明了许多组织面临的最大障碍。太多的项目和太少的时间导致“毒性效应,包括难以进行创造性思维和有目的的重定向”,以应对可持续性需要。一心一意地专注于短期财务会给个人带来无法承受的压力,因而他们无法成功关注,导致他们的项目失败。在一个丑陋的循环中,员工因性能不佳而受到指责,导致更大的压力和更多的退化。亨德森认为“在更聪明的工作和更努力的工作之间进行基本的权衡。” 没有任何灵丹妙药可以解开,并警告亨德森,无论你做什么,都不要依赖视觉模型或简单的蓝图来改变。相反,企业必须经历一个痛苦的行为改变过程,“建立肌肉记忆。”亨德森为组织提供了一些成功突破车辙的技巧。首席执行官需要对能力进行真正的解决(因此他们不会在员工之间推出一个又一个的主动权),并且在历史上追踪绩效。他们必须明白,重大改变将是代价高昂的,并且可能意味着削减其他项目 - 所以也许“选择低调的成果”,咬掉“小块”,解决那些产生重大影响的领域。“管理者必须明确说明战略和价值观然后由他们生活,并在系统动态问题时回应问题 - “不要殴打员工”。 亨德森承认这些策略“很容易被放在幻灯片上,但很难做到。”然而,她觉得如果组织能够开展真正的对话,那么就把它放在当前一个季度,专注于长期健康对公司而言,对可持续发展的关注“为我们提供了做这些事情的情感力量和道德成果。”
课程简介: All that’s required to achieve sustainability, says Rebecca Henderson, is to clean up your current operations and/or rethink the business. “That’s easy,” she says -- with a smile. Henderson has spent much of her career trying to help firms embrace and survive such transformations. She and her colleagues have analyzed why businesses get stuck in their ways, and how they can break free to act boldly around the challenge and opportunity of sustainability. Overload proves the single greatest obstacle for many organizations, Henderson says. Too many projects and too little time result in “toxic effects, including making it difficult to undertake creative thinking and purposeful redirection” that responding to sustainability requires. Single-minded focus on short term financials can put unbearable pressure on individuals, who then can’t focus successfully, leading to failures in their projects. In an ugly loop, employees receive blame for poor performance, leading to greater pressure, and more degradation. Henderson sees a “fundamental tradeoff between working smarter and working harder.” There’s no magic bullet for getting unstuck, and warns Henderson, whatever you do, don’t rely on vision models or simple blueprints for change. Rather, businesses must undergo a painful process of behavior change, “building muscle memory.” Henderson offers some tips for organizations to break out of ruts successfully. CEOs need to get a real fix on capacity (so they don’t throw one initiative after another at employees), and track performance historically. They must understand that significant change will be costly, and likely mean cutting out other projects – so perhaps “pick low-hanging fruit,” biting off “little chunks, addressing areas that make a big difference.” Managers must clearly state strategy and values, then live by them, and respond to problems as systems dynamics issues -- “don’t beat up employees.” Henderson acknowledges these strategies are “easy to put on a slide, but hard to do.” Yet she feels that if organizations develop the ability to have real conversations, put aside an exclusive focus on the current quarter in favor of the long-term health of the company, a focus on sustainability “gives us the emotional power and moral juice to do these things.”
关 键 词: 可持续发展; 毒性效应; 情感力量; 道德成果
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-01:cjy
阅读次数: 54