
Why Large Companies Should Out-Innovate Small Ones
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_hesse_lc/  
主讲教师: Dan Hesse
开课单位: 巴恩克公司
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
考虑到这一选择,Dan Hesse会选择在大公司而不是小公司工作,特别是在创新方面。他多年的经验支持这种偏好,从他开始创业的日子(“真的很辛苦”)到领导AT&T的一些先锋电信企业。 Hesse首先介绍了AT&T的一些形成项目,包括“所有你可以吃的”长途WATTS线和AT&T的第一个互联网和无线部门。他学到的是如何“与实验室中的人员坐下来”,以及与客户一起,应用市场研究来产生新发明。他开始欣赏AT&T在研发方面的雄厚财力,这使得“大家伙可以完全改变游戏”和“让小家伙几乎不可能参与竞争”。 他的新企业Embarq(Sprint Nextel的一个分支机构)是全美第四大本地电话公司,目前在18个州拥有65亿美元的收入。黑塞决心与无线和有线电视公司缓慢但无情地失去市场份额。他的计划涉及改变公司的形象“让客户接受创新”,并尝试使用Embarq的新产品,其中包括:One Voicemail,一种为家庭和无线电话提供单一语音邮件系统的服务;智能连接,当手机从外向内移动时,Embarq手机用户可以从移动频率透明地切换到Wi-Fi; Media Safe,为Embarq的DSL用户提供25GB的互联网存储空间,用于收藏他们的视频和音乐;而且,公司承诺不会提高DSL订阅价格。 他提供有关创新的一般建议,尤其针对那些“通常不会创新,因为他们过于舒适”的大公司。他建议整合跨平台,让客户的生活更简单;培养具有竞争力的企业文化,其中授权,团队合作和员工认可发挥着重要作用;研究市场;孵化新项目,同时保持旧业务稳定的收入;找出一个“让事情变成单一用户经济学”的商业模式,以及“无耻地窃取好的想法。”最重要的是,当涉及到创造下一个新事物时,没有什么可以利用大公司的资产。 Hesse总结说,当客户信任公司和品牌时,营销新想法会更容易。
课程简介: Given the choice, Dan Hesse would opt for working in a big company rather than a small one, especially when it comes to innovating. He backs up this preference with years of experience, from his days running a start up (“It was really hard work”) to leading some of AT&T’s pioneer telecom ventures. Hesse first describes some of his formative projects for AT&T, including the “all you can eat” long distance WATTS line and AT&T’s first internet and wireless divisions. What he learned was how to “sit down with the guys in the labs,” and also with customers, applying market research to generate new inventions. He came to appreciate AT&T’s very deep pockets for R&D, which made it possible for “the large guy to completely change the game” and “make it almost impossible for smaller guys to compete.” His new enterprise, Embarq, (an offshoot of Sprint Nextel) is the nation’s 4th largest local telephone company, present in 18 states with $6.5 billion in revenues. Hesse is determined to fight the slow but relentless loss of market share to wireless and cable companies. His plan involves changing the image of the firm “to get customers to embrace innovation” and try Embarq’s new products, which include: One Voicemail, a service that provides a single voicemail messaging system for home and wireless phones; Smart Connect, which enables an Embarq phone user to switch transparently from mobile frequencies to Wi-Fi as the phone moves from outside to inside; Media Safe, 25gb of internet storage for Embarq’s DSL subscribers to stow their videos and tunes; and the Offer, a company promise not to raise the DSL subscription price – ever. He offers general advice on innovating, especially aimed at large firms that “typically don’t innovate because they’re too comfortable.” He suggests integrating across platforms to make life simpler for customers; cultivating a competitive corporate culture, in which delegation, teamwork and employee recognition play important roles; studying the market; incubating new projects while maintaining steady revenues in the old business; figuring out a business model that “gets things down to single-user economics;” and “shamelessly stealing good ideas.” Most important, when it comes to creating the next new thing, nothing beats leveraging the assets of a large company. When customers trust the company and the brand, marketing new ideas is easier, concludes Hesse.
关 键 词: 创新; 整合跨平台; 商业模式; 企业文化
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-01:cjy
阅读次数: 66