成长的烦恼 - 向可持续能源经济过渡

Growing Pains - Transitioning to a Sustainable Energy Economy
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_heywood_ansolabehere_gp/  
主讲教师: Stephen Ansolabehere, John B. Heywood
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-10-12
课程语种: 英语
如果我们希望解决全球变暖和实现可持续的能源未来,那么小型,私人和大型公共行动都是必不可少的。 约翰海伍德提出了三个立即取得进展的选择:保护,他说这在某种程度上变成了一个“坏词”,改进了主流技术;并寻找生产和使用能源的新方法。首先,公众必须抛弃新技术“将拯救我们”的妄想。氢燃料电池和插电式混合动力车“在实用性方面并不存在。”因此,Heywood说,我们“必须走上更广阔的道路你和我在个人,小规模意义上使用的能量必须远远低于每项任务。“当我占据的面积是两个时,为什么要加热一个2000平方英尺的家?”Heywood想知道。提高当前内燃机的燃油消耗量,并将汽车制造商推向可以达到每加仑200英里的小型汽车。运行你家的能源费用数字,鼓励海伍德,并告诉你的邻居关灯。 我们是“有胃口的人”,我们需要基于市场的激励来改变。我们还需要监管和财政政策的帮助才能形成。 “这是我和你,我们做什么,我们买什么,我们如何使用它 - 所有这些 - 这将使我们走上正轨,”海伍德说。 斯蒂芬·安索拉贝尔斯(Stephen Ansolabehere)说,我们自我改革的一个巨大障碍就是“能源丰富而且价格便宜。”美国与中国和印度一样,拥有大量煤炭,可以为下一年的生活提供动力。 300至3000年 - 如果全球变暖不首先破坏世界经济。我们已经陷入了自满情绪,因此美国的人均碳排放量继续增加,中国和印度也处于相同的轨道上。 目前,太阳能电池板和混合动力汽车等替代能源的菜单并不吸引美国人,因为它们的成本高于通常的票价。 Ansolabehere说,关键是“以与其他技术相同的价格制造煤炭”,“使其他技术具有竞争力。” 因此,Ansolabehere问道,“我们如何让美国受到控制,然后与中国和印度接触?”他简单的回答是:“税收改变了行为。”欧洲和日本成功地展示了这种方法。他们承认煤炭对污染征税对社会造成的成本,并且人均排放量低于美国。他说,一个小而有希望的标志是美国消费者似乎对碳税略微开放(付费)通过公司,然后传递给消费者)今天比三年前。限额和交易系统可以更温和地推动企业降低碳排放,但公民必须有力地游说他们的政治代表来支持这种替代方案。没有这些更大的努力,当我们坚持舒适的生活方式时,减少我们的集体碳排放是极其困难的。
课程简介: Both small, private and large, public actions are essential if we’re to have any hope of addressing global warming and achieving a sustainable energy future. John Heywood lays out three options for making some immediate inroads: conservation, which he says has somehow become a “bad word;” improving mainstream technology; and finding new ways to produce and use energy. First, the public must put aside delusions that new technologies “will save us.” Hydrogen fuel cells and plug-in hybrids “are not there in terms of practicality.” So, says Heywood, we “must get on the broader path that says the energy you and I use in the individual, small-scale sense must be far less per task.” Why heat a 2000- square-foot home when “the square footage I occupy is two?” wonders Heywood. Improve the fuel consumption of the current internal combustion engine, and press auto manufacturers for small cars that can get 200 miles per gallon. Run the numbers on your home’s energy costs, encourages Heywood, and tell your neighbors to switch off their lights. We’re “humans with appetites,” and we need market-based incentives to change. We need help from regulatory and fiscal policies as well to shape up. “It’s me and you, what we do, what we buy, how we use it – all these things – that will start us down the path,” says Heywood. One giant obstacle to our self-reform, says Stephen Ansolabehere, is the fact that “energy is abundant and cheap.” The U.S., like China and India, sits on a huge pile of coal that could very well power our lives for the next 300 to 3,000 years – if global warming doesn’t first destroy the world’s economies. We’ve been lulled into complacency, and so carbon emissions per person in the U.S. continue to rise, with China and India on the same trajectory. Right now, the menu of alternative energy sources like solar panels and hybrid cars don’t appeal to Americans because they cost more than the usual fare. The key is to “make coal on the same scale of price with other technologies,” says Ansolabehere, “to make other technologies competitive.” So, asks Ansolabehere, “How do we get the U.S. under control, and then engage China and India?” His simple answer: “Taxes change behavior.” Europe and Japan successfully demonstrate this approach. They acknowledge the costs coal imposes on society by taxing pollution, and have a much lower rate of emissions per capita than the U.S. One small, promising sign, he says, is that American consumers seem slightly more open to a carbon tax (a fee paid by companies, and then passed on to consumers) today than they were three years ago. The cap and trade system offers a gentler push on companies to lower carbon emissions, but citizens must forcefully lobby their political representatives to support this alternative. Without these larger efforts, it will be extremely difficult to reduce our collective carbon emissions as we cling to comfortable lifestyles.
关 键 词: 能源未来; 大型公共行动; 太阳能电池板
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-01:cjy
阅读次数: 42