
Energy in a Global Context
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_hockfield_choucri_egc/  
主讲教师: Susan Hockfield
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-05-23
课程语种: 英语
正如苏珊霍克菲尔德所述,麻省理工学院在瑞士达沃斯举行的最新世界经济峰会上就破坏性能源研究所做的演讲为时代杂志的记者提供了一丝乐观。她说:“麻省理工学院对此很有帮助:一系列以现实为基础的希望,我们能够以真实的方式解决世界上最严峻的挑战。” 麻省理工学院致力于帮助解决可持续能源问题。霍克菲尔德描述了工作人员,学生和校友在未来几十年内追求这一问题的“压倒性呼吁”。跨越所有学校,要求新形式的合作和跨学科的努力,麻省理工学院发起了一项能源倡议,以解决三个主题:新技术,更清洁的未来;改善当今能源系统的近期变化;并应对新兴经济体带来的挑战。 霍克菲尔德表示,研究人员不会寻求灵丹妙药,但麻省理工学院致力于“解决方案组合”。她认为这个庞大的学术企业提供了“阿波罗计划对我这一代产生的同样的催化灵感效应”,并引发了创新循环这将有助于加强国家经济。 Nazli Choucri将当前的能源危机置于全球现实之中。她描述了20世纪的遗产如何围绕能源供应,需求和分配构建21世纪的期望和政治。 不断上升的世界人口(总体而言)和大规模移民造成了压力,发展中国家的生活质量也在迅速提高。世界贸易导致了“经济和社会结构的转变”,包括涉及知识创造和基于互联网的互动的经济的有希望的演变。 Choucri也看到了20世纪“黑暗面”的出现:控制能源的不稳定或敌对国家;由于对化石燃料的依赖扩大,更多因气候问题而处于冲突或受到威胁的国家;和环境危险(如大风暴)成倍增加。此外,新的参与者坐在桌旁 - 更多的跨国公司,更多的主权国家,非政府组织 - 与不可预测或竞争的议程。 Choucri相信我们在上个世纪也获得了一些有用的优势,包括更好地理解能源,环境和经济之间的联系。但世界尚未找到管理这些问题的新政治。她说,全球波动意味着围绕全球能源战略实现“共识政治”的难度更大,我们“现在必须推动合作,”找到“新的谈判策略”,假设我们可以首先找到全国共识。
课程简介: As Susan Hockfield recounts, MIT presentations on disruptive energy research at the most recent World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland, provided the single glimmer of optimism for a Time Magazine correspondent. Paraphrasing him, she says, “What MIT is good for: a dose of reality-based hope that we can address in a real way the most serious of the world’s great challenges.” MIT has committed body and soul to helping solve the problem of sustainable energy. Hockfield describes an “overwhelming call” from staff, students and alumni to pursue this issue in the coming decades. Reaching across all schools, demanding new forms of collaboration and interdisciplinary effort, MIT has launched an Energy Initiative to address three main themes: new technology for a cleaner future; improving today’s energy systems for changes in the near term; and addressing challenges posed by emerging economies. Hockfield says researchers seek no silver bullet but that MIT is committed to a “portfolio of solutions.” She sees this vast academic enterprise providing the “same kind of catalytic inspirational effect that the Apollo program had on my generation” and triggering a cycle of innovation that will help strengthen the nation’s economy. Nazli Choucri situates the current energy crisis in global reality. She describes how the legacies of the 20th century frame expectations and politics in the 21st century around energy supply, demand and distribution. A rising world population (in general) and mass migration create pressure, as does a rapidly rising quality of life in developing nations. World trade has led to a “shifting structure of economies and societies,” including the somewhat hopeful evolution of economies involving knowledge creation and internet based interactions. Choucri sees as well the emergence of a “dark side” in the 20th century: unstable or hostile nations controlling energy resources; more countries in conflict or under threat due to climate issues, as dependence on fossil fuels expands; and environmental dangers (such as big storms) multiplying. Also, new players sit at the table -- more multinational corporations, more sovereign states, NGOs -- with unpredictable or competing agendas. Choucri believes we also gained some useful advantages during the last century, including a better understanding of the connections among energy, environment and the economy. But the world has yet to figure out a new politics for managing these issues. She says that global volatility means greater difficulty achieving “a politics of consensus” around global energy strategies, and we “now must push the envelope on collaboration,” finding “new strategies for negotiation,” assuming we can first find a national consensus.
关 键 词: 破坏性能源研究; 可持续能源问题; 解决方案组合
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 45