
Introduction/Overview of Brain Disorders
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_hockfield_sur_ibd/  
主讲教师: Susan Hockfield, Mriganka Sur
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-10-07
课程语种: 英语
在他们的研讨会上,Susan Hockfield和Mriganka Sur将麻省理工学院置于神经科学革命的最前沿。通过培训的神经科学家霍克菲尔德回顾了麻省理工学院该学科的演变,从1964年开始在心理学系开始到最近成立的脑与认知科学系。霍克菲尔德说,这些变化反映了一个领域的转变,“起初你只能做一些关于行为的定性观察,只能推测原因,可以检查分子和细胞电路水平的大脑功能;可以用基因靶向模型系统进行定量实验,并且可以直接观察生命中的人类大脑。“ 我们现在准备“在人类历史上第一次为大脑中的某些致残疾病提供科学设计的合理疗法。”Hockfield将麻省理工学院的进展归功于“元实验”,特别是科学家和工程师之间的合作,以及慷慨解囊惠顾。 Suriganka Sur和他的同事认为“绝大多数脑部疾病根源于脑部布线不正常”,因此解决这些疾病的方法在于理解布线及其相关功能。麻省理工学院从多个研究角度研究这些问题,包括大脑发育的遗传基础,突触途径和网络的结构,以及大脑对环境刺激的反应。麻省理工学院通过“独特的跨学科努力”解决研究问题,包括分子生物学,神经元和认知科学以及计算。更重要的是,研究人员团结在一个单一的使命背后 - “希望在世界上有所作为” - 其中特别关注解决诸如阅读障碍,阿尔茨海默氏症,精神分裂症和自闭症等脑部疾病和疾病。 “在其他任何地方都没有这样的其他实体,”苏尔说,他认为麻省理工学院未来影响的潜力“实际上是无限的”。
课程简介: In their symposium introduction, Susan Hockfield and Mriganka Sur place MIT at the forefront of a revolution in neuroscience. Hockfield, a neuroscientist by training, recaps the evolution of the discipline at MIT, from its 1964 start in the Department of Psychology to the more recent establishment of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. These changes mirror the transformation of a field in which, says Hockfield, “at first you could do little more than make qualitative observations about behavior and only speculate about causes, to one that can examine brain function at the level of molecules and cell circuits; that can conduct quantitative experiments with genetically targeted model systems and can directly observe the living human brain in action.” We are now poised “for the first time in human history to deliver scientifically designed, rational therapies for some crippling disorders of the brain.” Hockfield credits MIT’s progress to “meta-experiments,” specifically collaborations among scientists and engineers, and the generosity of patrons. Mriganka Sur and his colleagues believe “the vast majority of brain disorders have their roots in brain wiring gone awry,” so a solution to such disorders lies in understanding the wiring, and its associated functions. MIT gets at these questions from many angles of research, including the genetic underpinnings of brain development, the architecture of synaptic pathways and networks, and the brain’s response to environmental stimuli. MIT addresses research problems through a “unique interdisciplinary effort” comprising molecular biology, neuron and cognitive science, and computation. What’s more, researchers have united behind a singular mission -- a “wish to make a difference in the world” -- which involves a specific focus on addressing such brain disorders and diseases as dyslexia, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and autism. “There is not one other entity like this anywhere else,” says Sur, who believes MIT’s potential for future impact is “virtually limitless.”
关 键 词: 脑与认知科学系; 基因靶向模型系统; 元实验
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 17