
Creating a Game Plan for Transition to a Sustainable Economy
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_hollender_gpt/  
主讲教师: Jeffrey Hollender
开课单位: 七世代公司
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
美国历史最悠久,最成功的绿色制造商之一的“主要灵感主角”为发表“比预期更令人沮丧的话题”而道歉。在讨论企业试图向更公正和可持续的经济转型所面临的挑战时,杰弗里霍伦德列举了这些天他感到茫然的原因很多。 虽然一些专家声称经济衰退已经结束,但霍伦德看到了持续的深层次问题,几乎五分之一的美国人失业或失业。他说,股市已经恢复,只是因为“相信整个金融体系不会在短期内崩溃”。公司已经学会通过迅速“摆脱一次性资产 - 他们的人”来提高季度收益,而霍伦德担心这种行为“将导致螺旋式下降。”但他更关注的是我们经济体系的基本结构,使人们特别难以承认并随后共同努力解决气候变化等全球性问题。 霍伦德发现我们经济体系的几个方面特别令人痛苦:金钱对政治的负面和破坏性影响(他称美国商会及其反对气候变化立法);生活在社会中的悖论“好东西比坏东西花费更多;”和金融市场“在没有为自己以外的任何人创造价值的情况下赚钱是完全合法的。”他还指出,致力于可持续发展的组织,包括他的自己,可能已经变得沾沾自喜或者定得太少。 “重要的是,我们不要将坏事与好事混为一谈,”霍伦德说。 虽然霍伦德认为实现可持续发展社会需要“革命性变革”,但他确实建议采取一些建设性措施来实现这一目标,例如改革有利于最富裕人群的税收结构;要求企业提供“激进的透明度”,并要求高管的工资上限。他还指出,公司通过其供应链发挥“令人难以置信的杠杆作用”,并赞同沃尔玛减少包装废弃物的举措。 Hollender认为,在某些情况下,企业压力已超过政府监管:“这些大公司,通常是邪恶的来源,可能是令人难以置信的积极变化来源。”但他最大的希望在于下一代:受过教育的孩子“看看一切都是如何联系的”,以及年长的学生喜欢麻省理工学院的观众,他希望这些学生能够带头实现社会和经济变革。
课程简介: The “chief inspired protagonist” of one of the nation’s oldest and most successful green manufacturers apologizes for delivering a talk “more depressing than expected.” While discussing the challenges facing businesses attempting to transition to a more just and sustainable economy, Jeffrey Hollender enumerates the many reasons he’s feeling bleak these days. While some pundits claim the recession is over, Hollender sees continued deep problems, with almost one in five Americans under- or unemployed. The stock market has recovered only because of the “belief that the total financial system won’t collapse in the short term,” he says. Corporations have learned to improve quarterly earnings by quickly “getting rid of a disposable asset -- their people,” and Hollender’s worried this behavior “will lead to a downward spiral.” But his greater concern involves the underlying structure of our economic system, which makes it especially difficult for people to acknowledge and then work together to address such global problems as climate change. Hollender finds several aspects of our economic system particularly distressing: the negative and disruptive influence money has in politics (he calls out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its opposition to the climate change legislation); the paradox of living in a society “where good things cost more than bad things;” and financial markets where “it’s entirely legal to make money without creating value for anybody other than yourself.” He also notes that organizations devoted to sustainability, including his own, may have become complacent or settled for too little. “It’s important that we not confuse the absence of bad with good,” says Hollender. While Hollender thinks nothing less than “revolutionary change” is required to achieve a sustainable society, he does recommend some constructive steps toward that goal, such as reforming a tax structure that’s beneficial to the wealthiest people; demanding “radical transparency” from businesses, and salary caps for top executives. He also notes that companies exert “incredible leverage” through their supply chains, and points approvingly at Walmart’s moves to reduce packaging waste. Hollender believes corporate pressure in some cases has achieved more than governmental regulation: “These large companies, often the source of evil, can be incredible sources of positive change.” His greatest hopes, though, lie with the next generation: children who are educated to “see how everything’s connected,” and older students like those in his MIT audience, who he hopes will take the lead in generating social and economic change.
关 键 词: 主要灵感主角; 革命性变革; 可持续发展
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 50