
National Security and Civil Liberties
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_honda_frank_najimy_yamamoto_nsc...  
主讲教师: Barney Frank, Mike Honda, Margie Yamamoto, Merrie Najimy, Kenneth Oye
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-01-28
课程语种: 英语
Merrie Najimy的父亲告诉她,“做出正确的决定并不总是很受欢迎,但做出受欢迎的决定并不总是正确的。”该小组的每位发言人在9月11日之后都采取了不受欢迎的立场。纳吉米认为,“爱国者法案”编纂了恐怖主义袭击事件引发的反移民激情。她声称,现在已有5,000多名阿拉伯和穆斯林男子被拘留,13,000人被驱逐出境 - 这主要是因为新法律允许种族和宗教信仰。自1960年代以来一直认识国会议员本田的玛吉山本简要讨论了本田家族的拘禁及其后果的细节。 迈克·本田于1942年与家人一起在科罗拉多营地实习,他说他在9/11事件中对珍珠港进行了“闪回”。他预计,第二次世界大战期间日本人在美国遭受的同样的民权侵犯行为将会对阿拉伯人和穆斯林造成影响。本田表示,布什政府和共和党领导人伪造了一项爱国者法案,该法案涉及警察权力。巴尼·弗兰克担心该法案缺乏司法监督导致基本权利受到侵蚀,无人拘留未被控犯有任何罪行的嫌疑人,使用“偷偷摸摸”的逮捕令以及更多地使用电子监视。
课程简介: Merrie Najimy’s father told her that “making the right decision isn’t always popular but making the popular decision isn’t always right.” Each of the speakers on this panel has taken an unpopular stand following September 11th. Najimy believes that the Patriot Act codified anti-immigrant passions fired up by the terrorist attacks. She claims that more than 5,000 Arab and Muslim men are now in detention and 13 thousand have been deported – largely because of racial and religious profiling allowed by the new laws. Margie Yamamoto, who has known Congressman Honda since the 1960's briefly discusses details of the Honda family's internment and its aftermath. Mike Honda, who was interned in 1942 at a Colorado camp with his family, says he had “flashbacks” to Pearl Harbor on 9/11. He anticipated that the same kind of civil rights violations suffered by the Japanese in the U.S. during World War 2 would be inflicted on Arabs and Muslims today. Honda says the Bush Administration and Republican leaders forged a Patriot Act that overreaches in terms of police powers. Barney Frank worries that the lack of judicial oversight in the bill has led to an erosion of basic rights, as witnessed by the indefinite detention of suspects not charged with any crime, the use of “sneak and peek” warrants and increased use of electronic surveillance.
关 键 词: 反移民激情; 种族和宗教信仰; 电子监视
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 30