
Celebrating James Marshall and Humor in Children’s Books
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_james_marshall_humor_sutton_boo...  
主讲教师: Anita Silvey, Susan Moynihan, Roger Sutton, Susan Meddaugh, David Wiesner
开课单位: 肯尼迪和朗费罗小学
开课时间: 2013-05-03
课程语种: 英语
朋友,同事和粉丝团结一致,赞美一位儿童作家的作品,尽管这位作家很有名,却从来没有得到应有的回报。詹姆斯马歇尔是乔治和玛莎以及The Cut-Ups系列丛书的作家/插画家(他还讲述了尼尔森小姐和愚蠢系列等等)。他于1992年去世,享年50岁,从未获得梦寐以求的儿童图画书荣誉,即Caldecott奖章。这些小组成员竭尽全力纠正不公正现象。 Martha的Susan Meddaugh一举成名,她还记得Marshall作为书籍设计师。在霍顿米夫林(Houghton Mifflin),当他在办公室到办公室时,“对我们的故事进行尝试”时,她对他有着美好的回忆,当他在马萨诸塞州查尔斯敦找到她的公寓时,他以自己的职业生涯开始了他每月75美元的不可思议的收入。 Meddaugh庆祝马歇尔“立即建立角色”的能力,以及“吉姆没有必要找到原创性的方式,他就是这样。他个性的每一部分都出现在他的书中。“ “我对他的工作的赞赏成倍增长,”David Wiesner(The Three Pigs,Tueday)说道,“在我开始向孩子们读书之后,他们会说:”会有“大笑,笑声和完全联系。”当Wiesner反复说道。停下来惊叹马歇尔的话语和照片是如何结合在一起的,他的孩子们不得不提醒他继续讲述这个故事。威斯纳在乔治和玛莎的书中发现了许多令人钦佩的东西:“它们如此简洁;没有任何无关紧要的事情。“他喜欢他们的”精美极简主义艺术“,以及”愚蠢的“华丽,几乎密集的插图。威斯纳说,“我是在做一本书的时候,我想到的少数几个人之一:我怎样才能把我正在做的事情保持在本质上,而不是把它填满?”吉姆的工作之美,他他说,“它看起来像是在当下创造的。” Anita Silvey多年来一直在阅读,编辑和审阅儿童书籍,并有幸陪伴Marshall参加图书之旅。 Silvey最近一直在探索Marshall的笔记本并研究他的工作风格。他经常一次追求几个想法,他开始的草图和文字都有很多细节。 “有一个漫长的进化过程,缩略图草图”和重写“突然之间,他圈出一个词,一个完美的词......”然而他的最后一个草图“轻盈的触摸”,自然的出现。西尔维回忆道,“我曾经看到吉姆在鸡尾酒餐巾纸上画了一整本书。他可以做一个快速,有创意的事情,然后去上班。“这就是为什么他的书”如此永恒。“ Roger Sutton指出马歇尔如何尊重他的观众:他从未与孩子们交谈过,并且信任他们接受他们的事情。甚至讽刺成人的幽默也没关系。图书管理员Susan Moynihan说,她读过的孩子在不需要成人过滤的情况下得到马歇尔的幽默,他们也得到了他的“善意信息”。在马歇尔的书中,“没有人被取笑。”
课程简介: Friends, colleagues and fans unite in loving praise of a children’s author who, though renowned, never got his due. James Marshall was writer/illustrator of the George and Martha and The Cut-Ups book series (he also illustrated Miss Nelson and The Stupids series, among many others). He died at age 50 in 1992, never having received the coveted children’s picture book honor, The Caldecott Medal. These panelists do their best to redress the injustice. Susan Meddaugh of Martha Speaks fame, remembers Marshall from her days as a book designer. She has fond memories of him “trying his stories out on us as he went from office to office” at Houghton Mifflin, and credits him with launching her freelance career when he found her an apartment in Charlestown, MA for an improbable $75 a month. Meddaugh celebrates Marshall’s ability to “establish characters instantly,” and the way in which “Jim didn’t have to find originality, he just was. Every part of his personality came through in his books.” “My appreciation for his work leapt exponentially,” says David Wiesner (The Three Pigs, Tueday) “after I began reading his books to my kids.” There’d be “the big smile, laughing and total connection.” When Wiesner repeatedly paused to marvel at how Marshall’s words and pictures came together, his children would have to remind him to get on with the story. Wiesner finds much to admire in the George and Martha books: “They’re so concise; there’s nothing extraneous going on.” He enjoys their “beautifully minimalistic art,” as well as the “ornate, almost dense” illustrations of The Stupids. Says Wiesner, “He’s one of the few people I think about when I’m doing a book: How can I take what I’m doing and keep it to its essence and not fill it up?” The beauty of Jim’s work, he says, is that “it looks like it was created in the moment.” Anita Silvey has been reading, editing and reviewing children’s books for years, and had the pleasure of accompanying Marshall on book tours. Silvey has recently been exploring Marshall’s notebooks and studying his working style. He often pursued several ideas at a time, and his beginning sketches and text have a lot of detail. “There’s a long evolutionary process, with thumbnail sketches” and rewriting “and all of a sudden, he circles one word, the perfect word...” Yet his final sketch had “a lightness of touch,” the appearance of spontaneity. Silvey recalls, “I once saw Jim sketch an entire book out on a cocktail napkin. He could do a quick, creative thing, then he went to work.” That’s why his books “are so timeless.” Roger Sutton notes how Marshall respected his audience: he never talked down to kids, and trusted them to pick up on things. Even sarcastic adult humor was okay. Librarian Susan Moynihan says that the kids to whom she reads get Marshall’s humor without requiring adult filtering, and they also get his “message of kindness.” In Marshall’s books, “nobody was made fun of.”
关 键 词: 立即建立角色; 原创性; 幽默
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 55