
Leading Rockwell Collins’ Lean Transformation
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_jones_rockwell/  
主讲教师: Clayton M. Jones
开课单位: 美国罗克韦尔柯林斯国际公司
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
“当我们开始我们的精益之旅时,”克莱顿琼斯回忆道,“这主要是一种信仰行为,每个角落都有怀疑者和愤世嫉俗者。”现在,经过11年从事自上而下的精简过程,琼斯宣称, “在罗克韦尔柯林斯公司,我没有采取任何单一的举措,并为公司的成功做出了更多贡献,而不是精益......” 精益航空航天计划是一项总部设在麻省理工学院的研究计划,旨在通过在公司各个层面应用最佳实践来改变航空航天业。琼斯是其早期采用者之一,现在是一个热心的倡导者。 “我们是最早认识到需要消除整个企业浪费的人之一,”琼斯说道 - 从工程,金融到人力资源。 Jones描述了Rockwell Collins精益方法的其他重点,包括在各种操作环境中更快,更有效地移动。他描述了罗克韦尔如何“在需求被充分捕获之前打破了设计解决方案的循环 - 这个循环通常以浪费和普遍恶化而告终。” 教育和凝聚企业领导者精简事业是痛苦的。许多罗克韦尔员工感到工作过度,并且对新方法有抵触情绪。琼斯说:“我们了解到,上下点头并不一定意味着与你所教的内容达成一致。”有时候他想知道,“我们是否让这个组织陷入困境或将其转变为突破点?”琼斯确定“弯曲但不要破坏是我整个事情的口头禅。”他对迄今为止的结果很满意:销售额从1997年的17亿美元增加到2005年的25亿美元,以及产品按时交付和客户接受率的历史最高水平。
课程简介: “When we began our Lean journey,” recounts Clayton Jones, “it was mostly an act of faith, with doubters and cynics in every corner.” Now, after 11 years engaged in a top-to-bottom streamlining process, Jones declares, “There is no single initiative I’ve pioneered and pushed at Rockwell Collins that has contributed more to the success of the company than Lean…” The Lean Aerospace Initiative, a research program headquartered at MIT, aims to transform the aerospace industry by applying best practices at all levels of a corporation. Jones was one of its early adopters, and now an ardent advocate. “We were one of the first to recognize the need to eliminate waste throughout the enterprise,” says Jones -- from engineering to finance to human resources. Jones describes other emphases of the Lean approach at Rockwell Collins, including moving faster and more efficiently in their various operating environments. He describes how Rockwell “broke the cycle of designing solutions before the requirements were adequately captured -- a cycle that usually ends in waste and general aggravation.” Educating and rallying corporate leaders to the streamlining cause was painful. Many Rockwell staff felt overworked and resistant to new methods. “We learned that heads nodding up and down didn’t necessarily signify agreement with what you’re teaching,” says Jones. At times he wondered, “Are we bringing the organization to its knees or transforming it to the breaking point?” Jones determined that “Bend but don’t break was my mantra through the whole thing.” He’s happy with the results to date: increases in sales from $1.7 billion in 1997 to $2.5 billion in 2005, and all time highs in product on time delivery and customer acceptance rates.
关 键 词: 精益航空航天计划; 精简事业; 抵触情绪
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 79