
Where the Sun Shines, There Hack They
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_keyser_shrines/  
主讲教师: Samuel Jay Keyser
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
Jay Keyser认为,即使典型的麻省理工学院黑客不具备作为秘密特工的资格,他或她也会因为脱离大学世界最隐蔽,优雅的恶作剧而受到钦佩。当哈佛大学的学生们对“将内裤放在雕像上”笑了笑时,麻省理工学院的学生们在巨大的麻省理工学院圆顶上放置了一个电话亭和一辆警察巡洋舰,然后在哈佛耶鲁大学的游戏场上安全地爆炸了一个气象气球。 Keyser是这些一般匿名和非常聪明的技术恶作剧的粉丝。而且他已经深入了解他们背后的心理学。学生们“正在向学院嗤之以鼻。 “你希望我们成为工程师。你真是太难了我们。我们会告诉你我们对你的看法。'所以他们把我们带到了一两个。“事实上,”黑客文化是麻省理工学院学生身心健康的重要组成部分,“Keyser声称。他说,麻省理工学院和其他所有大学之间的区别在于,麻省理工学院的学生“已经进入了大学的价值体系。”他们每天都在不断的判断和斗争的负担下,知道他们是最好也是最聪明的。所以黑客是“一种应对机制,一种在非常灿烂的夏日戴上太阳镜的方式。”
课程简介: Even if the typical MIT hacker doesn’t qualify as a secret agent, he or she is to be admired for pulling off the collegiate world’s most surreptitious, elegant pranks, believes Jay Keyser. While Harvard students get a chuckle out of “putting panties over statues,” MIT students have placed a telephone booth and a police cruiser on top of the massive MIT dome, and then safely exploded a weather balloon on the field of a Harvard-Yale game. Keyser is a fan of these generally anonymous and extremely clever technical pranks. And he’s burrowed into the psychology behind them. The students “are thumbing their nose at the Institute. ‘You want us to be engineers. You’re so damn hard on us. We’ll show you what we think of you.’ So they take us down a peg or two.” In fact, “hack culture is an important component of the mental health of the MIT student body,” Keyser claims. The difference between MIT and every other university, he says, is that MIT students “have bought into the value system of the university.” They’re under the constant burden of judgment and struggle every day with the knowledge that they’re among the best and the brightest. So hacks are “a coping mechanism, a way of putting on sunglasses on a very bright summer day.”
关 键 词: 秘密特工; 气象气球; 技术恶作剧
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-04:cwx
阅读次数: 12