
Bridging the Delivery Gap to Global Health
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kim_bdg/  
主讲教师: Jim Yong Kim
开课单位: 达特茅斯学院
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
Jim Yong Kim和健康合作伙伴自相矛盾地遭受了自己的成功。他们在过去十年中表明,有可能在海地这样的发展中国家建立有效的艾滋病毒和初级保健诊所,并且可以治愈多种耐药性结核病。他们甚至设法说服制药公司允许生产通用的,较便宜的抗逆转录病毒药物,以便最贫穷的人能负担得起。但是现在,随着数十亿美元用于攻击不必要地杀害和伤害世界穷人的疾病,我们发现自己“生活在实施瓶颈的中间”,金说。来自盖茨或克林顿基金会,还是来自国际政府的举措,资金流入艾滋病毒/艾滋病疫苗,结核病疫苗,杀微生物剂,抗疟疾药物和男性包皮环切手术等新产品。 Kim可能会“产生巨大的影响”,他说,每年可以帮助预防1000万人可预防的死亡事件,但对于日益庞大的僵局,他们可以提供所有护理。为什么如此难以将专业知识,技术和资源分配给有需要的人? Kim得到了各种“正义答案”:只需调整激励机制;只是让市场更好地运作;只是充分资助基础设施;只是给工人提供管理技能。虽然他同意这些都是相关问题,但Kim真的想要一个综合的回应。他希望看到哈佛大学这样的医学院,他在那里工作,开发了商业和工程学院常用的案例研究,以剖析复杂的策略问题。例如,今天的医科学生不知道如何根除天花 - 这个将管理和流行病学相结合的巨大项目的故事已经作为教学工具丢失了。正如哈佛商学院“在其发生三周后教授Jet Blue崩溃”一样,医学院也必须捕捉当前的问题,并在质量和数量上对其进行处理.Kim呼吁麻省理工学院斯隆等机构帮助设计新的分析框架以进行检查和改善全球卫生服务。 “有一个全新的领域,医疗保健提供科学的空间,”金说,结合多个学科,并发展领导者推进基于证据的战略。我们无法减轻疾病造成的人类痛苦“只是作为实验室,或通过临床研究。”现在是时候“在世界各地建立有效的医疗保健系统”。
课程简介: Jim Yong Kim and Partners in Health are paradoxically suffering from their own success. They demonstrated over the past decade that it is possible to set up effective HIV and primary care clinics in such developing nations as Haiti, and that it’s possible to cure multiple drug resistant tuberculosis. They even managed to persuade pharmaceutical companies to permit the production of generic, less expensive antiretroviral medicines so they could be affordable to the poorest people. But now, as billions of dollars flow into efforts to attack diseases that needlessly kill and maim the world’s poor, we find ourselves “living in the middle of an implementation bottleneck,” says Kim. Whether from the Gates or Clinton Foundations, or from international government initiatives, money is flowing into new products like HIV/AIDS vaccines, TB vaccines, microbicides, anti-malarial drugs, and surgical services such as male circumcision. It could all “have a huge impact,” says Kim, helping to forestall 10 million preventable deaths per year, but for the increasingly massive logjam in delivering all the care. Why is it so hard to distribute the expertise, technology, resources, to the people in need? There are all kinds of “just answers” that Kim gets: just align incentives; just make the markets work better; just fund infrastructures adequately; just give workers the management skills. While he agrees that these are all relevant issues, Kim really wants an integrated response. He’d like to see medical schools like Harvard, where he’s on staff, develop the kind of case studies commonly employed at business and engineering schools to dissect complex strategy problems. For instance, medical students today have no idea how smallpox was eradicated – the story of this immense project combining management and epidemiology has been lost as a teaching tool. Just as Harvard Business School was “teaching the Jet Blue meltdown three weeks after it happened,” so must medical schools capture current problems and approach them both qualitatively and quantitatively. Kim calls on institutions like MIT Sloan to help devise new analytic frameworks for examining and improving global health delivery. “There’s room for a whole new field, health care delivery science,” says Kim, combining multiple disciplines, and developing leaders to advance evidence based strategies. We can’t alleviate human suffering caused by disease “just being the lab, or by doing clinical research.” It’s now time “to build functioning health care systems everywhere in the world.”
关 键 词: 保健; 全球卫生服务; 医疗保健系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-05:lxf
阅读次数: 37